December 27, 2024

5 signs of depression that few people know; Camouflaged!

3 min read
5 signs of depression that few people know;  Camouflaged!

According to data from the Ministry of Health, about 15.5% of Brazilians suffer from depression, which is a public health problem that is becoming more and more common over time. Some signs are well known by the population, in general, but others are more camouflaged, and require more attention at the time of identification.

If you think someone you know or you might be experiencing this problem, go ahead with the article below and stay tuned with the most important details about it.

If you notice any of these signs in yourself or someone you know, be aware, it could be depression.  paying off!
If you notice any of these signs in yourself or someone you know, be aware, it could be depression. paying off! / Photo: Propaganda

Signs of depression that few people know about

Often times, we can notice some atypical behaviors affecting people in our cohabitation circle that make them no longer look the same as they did in the past. This can happen because this person needs help, and may be affected by symptoms of depression.

So it is always important to pay attention to make sure everything is going well. Check out some of the lesser known symptoms of this disease below, and if you notice more than one of them occurring at the same time, seek help.

Loss of interest in relationships

First, one of the most common symptoms of depression is usually a lack of interest in day-to-day relationships, especially with close friends. If a person previously had many friends, and over time he began to distance himself from all of them for no apparent reason, beware.

Loss of sexual interest

Then another sign that isn’t talked about much is sexual anorexia, especially in the case of people who are in romantic relationships. If a person has lost the habit of seeking a sexual partner, and no longer feels comfortable in this type of intimacy, this is a point to consider.

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mental slowness

Furthermore, another common symptom is psychomotor bradycardia, which occurs when a person begins to move more slowly than usual. This can occur even in the most common daily tasks, indicating that depression has already reached the psychological and physical health of a person. In addition, these symptoms also affect speech, making it difficult for a person to communicate.

Constant feeling of guilt

Another common symptom is a constant feeling of guilt, especially for things that the person has no sense of guilt or even control over. This symptom occurs because those who suffer from the disease, in general, end up having a false understanding of themselves, not being able to see their own achievements and focusing only on the flaws that are often not there.

Unexplained physical symptoms

Finally, another warning sign seen in people with depression is physical symptoms that come on “for no reason.” Some examples are pain in the back, spine, head, and other parts of the body, all without logical or medical explanations, it seems.

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