September 15, 2024

7 Signs Someone Is Lying To You, According To An FBI And CIA Trained Psychotherapist | Science and health

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7 Signs Someone Is Lying To You, According To An FBI And CIA Trained Psychotherapist |  Science and health

“By paying close attention not only to what people say but how they say it, you can learn what’s really going on inside their heads.” This is the psychotherapist’s thesis. David J. Liebermanauthor of the newly published book Mindreader: The New Science of Deciphering What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who They Really Are🇧🇷

The expert, who for the past 25 years has trained members of the FBI, CIA and other security agencies to be human lie detectors, explains that with a few cues it is possible to understand how much someone might be lying.

But beware: Lieberman stresses that not every piece of information by itself may prove that someone is lying. However, if you have “seven, eight, nine bullets in one sentence, you can tell very clearly whether someone is sincere or not.” Check out the list of 7 tags provided by the portal EntrepreneurWith expert analysis:

1 – Liars talk a lot

“As a general guide, an honest answer is short and to the point,” the psychotherapist explained. On the other hand, liars tend to engage in long tirades and describe their explanations with all sorts of excuses, such as “I’m not that kind of person” or “Like I said before.”

2- Liars try to sell the truth

When a person is telling the truth, he is not interested in convincing you of anything. “They (the liars) want you to believe them, which means they usually over-exaggerate beyond the point where an honest person would stop. There is a tendency to over-explain,” Lieberman said.

3- Liars feel relieved when the conversation is over

Lying takes more energy than telling the truth, and it can be very tiring. For this reason, liars are usually relieved when the conversation is over. In the case of those who tell the truth, the situation is completely different. When an honest person is accused of something they didn’t do, they tend to get upset, upset, and even resentful.

4- Liars smile with their mouths, not with their faces

Another way to tell if an individual is lying is to pay attention to their smile. According to Lieberman, a person uttering an emotion only moves the lower part of their face, which means they are smiling with their mouth closed, lips closed, and no movement of their forehead. A genuine smile lights up the entire face.

5 – Liars pretend to be calm

“When a person claims that he is innocent of something, such as an accusation, he is trying to portray the image of a calm and confident person,” notes the psychotherapist, adding that this happens because his feeling tells him that an innocent person is behaving this way and that. The guilty one behaves like this. nervous.

But this is a big mistake. Lieberman reports that a person who is wrongly accused of something will not be calm and confident, he will be resentful, while a person who wants to convince you that he is not nervous will do so in an exaggerated way, because liars tend to exacerbate an emotion you do not have.

6 – Liars create stories that are too perfect

“The person who makes up a story, once they get to the main event, the story will be over. They won’t continue because, in their mind, that’s what they have to sell you.” “But an honest retelling of what happened will have emotional consequences, how the person felt.”

Liar will also fill the story with a lot of unnecessary details. By not having real details, they make up for it and “put in a lot of irrelevant details,” adds the psychotherapist.

7- Liars use impersonal pronouns

In his book Mindreader: The New Science of Deciphering What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who They Really Are, Lieberman says that “pronouns can reveal whether someone is trying to distance themselves or completely separate themselves from their words.”

This means that just as a liar might look away or have difficulty making eye contact, they will distance themselves from their own words and avoid personal pronouns such as I, I, I, or mine. Instead, you will speak more in the second person. The subconscious mind says that people who do not tell the truth are very guilty of lying to refer directly to themselves.

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