October 18, 2024

EU, US and UK impose sanctions on Belarus | The world

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EU, US and UK impose sanctions on Belarus |  The world

The European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada jointly imposed new sanctions on Thursday (2). Belarus, Directed against companies and members of the government of President Alexander Lukashenko, including one of his sons.

Belarusian officials have been accused of encouraging the smuggling of migrants into Europe, in addition to “ongoing attacks on human rights and fundamental freedoms in Belarus, in defiance of international law and repeated repressive measures.” European.

In the statement, they demanded that Lukashenko “immediately stop all illegal immigration beyond its borders with the EU.” Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

“We call on the regime to release 900 political prisoners unconditionally and without delay and to end the repressive campaign,” the statement said.

Belarus raises threatening tone in migration crisis with Poland

Belarus raises threatening tone in migration crisis with Poland

European diplomats have decided to impose a fifth round of sanctions on 17 people and 11 companies or organizations accused of being involved in the smuggling of migrants. These actions punish many Belarusian military commanders involved in clashes along the border.

Airlines and personalities

The European Union has also given its approval Belarus Airlines Belavia and Syrian Sam Wings. Both have been accused of helping bring people to Belarus and exacerbating the European immigration crisis.

Were attacked State-owned travel agencies, as well as judges, lawyers and journalists involved in political repression And spreading misinformation.

The U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 20 individuals and 12 companies and restricted the trading of a portion of Belarus’ sovereign debt by US companies. In addition to Lukashenko’s son, the penalties include top security officials, security companies and a major fertilizer exporter.

The U.S. government has said sanctions are a punishment for “immigration and immigration casualties.”

“Today’s actions demonstrate our unwavering determination to confront the brutal regime that is increasingly oppressing the Belarusians, undermining peace and security in Europe and continuing to abuse the people who want to live freely,” it said in a statement. State Anthony Blingen.

One of the actions taken by the United Kingdom was to freeze the assets of Belarusian state-owned Ojsc Belaruskali, one of the world’s largest fertilizer producers.

“These sanctions continue to attack important sources of income for the Lukashenko regime and impose severe restrictions on those responsible for certain serious anti-democratic acts in Belarus,” said British Foreign Secretary Lis Truss.

Canada imposes restrictions on 20 individuals and 12 companies.

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