October 18, 2024

What will Merkel do when she retires?

4 min read
What will Merkel do when she retires?
Merkel said she intends to think about the free time she will gain

In the free time she will be gaining, Merkel said she intends to think about “what interests her really”

Photo: DW / Deutsche Welle

Angela Merkel Finally he says goodbye to the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany after 16 years in the most important position in the country. This Wednesday, the 8th, you should hand over the position to Social Democrat Olaf Schultz.

Merkel enjoys making plum cake topped with sweet farrova and potato soup, a typical dish during Germany’s colder months. But in addition to having more time to cook, what will the long-lived German Federal Chancellor – who made the cover of Time magazine as the world’s most powerful woman – do when she retires?

In July, during a visit to Washington, Angela Merkel was asked how she envisioned her retirement. Although she responded evasively on other occasions, this time she made it clear that she would take a break first and would not accept invitations. She will need to get used to the fact that her previous tasks are “now being done by someone else”. But, he added, “I think I’d love it.”

In the free time she will gain, she intends to think about “what really interests me” – something she hasn’t had much time for in the past 16 years. With a mischievous smile, the German Federal Chancellor, who at the time the question was asked had just received an honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University, added, “Maybe then I will try to read something, and then close my eyes, because I am tired, and then sleep a little, and then we will see where I return.” appearing in it.”

Merkel in imagination

A graphic artist and author of detective novels has already predicted the future: Andreas Muhe double-portrayed the German chancellor in poses that radiate calm, even loneliness, and set up an exhibition of it. Police novelist David Safire, on the other hand, believes Merkel would quickly get bored without her busy schedule.

In the funny detective novel Miss Merkel – Murder at Uckermark, her life is depicted as she struggles with quiet country life after moving into her holiday home in Brandenburg. Just walking and baking cakes? Based on the thriller Agatha Christie Miss Marple’s British amateur detective, Safier shocks Merkel into a murder case and becomes an avid detective.

It’s a funny book, but its central question is justified. Can a person who is occupied for decades from early morning until late at night, and has such a responsibility, rest overnight? “Usually, you only realize what you’re missing when you don’t have it anymore,” Angela Merkel said recently in Berlin.

financial guarantee

Last July 17, Angela Merkel turned 67 years old. Financially, she has nothing to worry about. He currently earns €25,000 per month as the Federal Chancellor of Germany. In addition, she is entitled to just over 10,000 euros as a member of the Bundestag, of which she has been a member for more than 30 years. When she stops working, she will continue to receive her salary for another three months and then half of it as a transitional allowance, for a maximum of 21 months.

For a subsequent pension, a series of factors enter into the calculation, such as her tenure as Federal Chancellor, Minister and Federal Deputy. The value is calculated to the nearest five decimal places, based on a 1953 law. Heads of government in office for at least four years are entitled to 27.74% of the most recent income. Each additional year in the job increases earnings by 2.39167%, up to a maximum of 71.75%.

Thus, Angela Merkel can expect a pension of about 15,000 euros per month, as well as the right to personal protection and a car with a driver, for the rest of her life. In addition, it would have an office within the Parliament in Berlin, with assistants and a secretary.

The second profession in economics?

Although former government officials are required by law to maintain confidentiality, they are welcome in the business world as advisors and extensive political contacts. Some of Angela Merkel’s predecessors held jobs in the economy.

Helmut Schmidt (range 1974-1982) became editor of the weekly Die Zeit in 1982, and was a critically acclaimed speaker. In a 2012 interview, he revealed, “I never give talks for less than $15,000.”

Former Federal Chancellors Helmut Kohl (1982-1998) and Gerhard Schroeder (1998-2005) also knew how to monetize their political pasts and fame. Cole founded a political and strategy consulting firm, and earned good earnings as a lobbyist and consultant.

Gerhard Schroeder came under heavy criticism in 2005, a few months after leaving the government, he put himself at the service of Nord Stream pipelines, a subsidiary of Russia’s Gazprom. In his government, he campaigned for the pipeline.

Meanwhile, the law stipulated that before taking up a position in the business world, former members of the government must ask the Federal Chancellery whether their activities were “harmful to public interests.” The Ethics Committee advises the government, which when in doubt can impose a waiting period of up to 18 months.

So far, Merkel has not commented on whether she will take a new position or an honorary position. She will probably stay in Berlin for some time at least. Her husband, quantum chemist Joachim Sauer, is still not thinking about quitting. Although he is Professor Emeritus at the Humboldt University of Berlin, at the age of 72 he extended his contract as chief researcher until 2022.

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