December 22, 2024

‘Concorde was worse than a good heterotop’

1 min read
'Concorde was worse than a good heterotop'

Medical student Lucas Bisoli, “Baron winking”BBB 22″, also identified himself as a ‘non-good’ – and these are his weapons for trying to survive in the jungle of ‘Big Brother Brasil’. But, in the opinion of Lucas Selfie, one of the commentators on”Show Splash BBB 22“This wasn’t the lowest point in the debut of reality show.

Concorde was worse than a good heterotop.

Explained: As a “warm-up game” for popcorn, during the live show Tadeu Schmidt suggested a feud game in reverse, in which players must hand out plates with the first attributes they saw in mates in confinement. Or, as Chico Barney put it, “He turned the game of discord into a family constellation.” Lucas almost fell asleep:

I found the game pretty lukewarm on the first day. Well, in order to see who would find out who, there was a spark between Gacy and Vinny, but I found the game a bit weak.

He is mistaken not so.

During “BBB 22”, the Splash Show Wins bonus issues every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday – after elimination, leader competition and wall formation -. Presented by Chico Barney, Lucas Maciel, Lucas Selfie, and Ju Nogueira, life will reflect everything that happens in the most watched homes in Brazil.

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