September 7, 2024

Restrictions on irrigation and street washing. Measures that can be taken to save water

2 min read
Restrictions on irrigation and street washing.  Measures that can be taken to save water

The latest IPMA data reveals that 38.6% of the country is now experiencing severe drought, 52.2% in severe drought and 9.2% in moderate drought.

Irrigating green spaces, washing streets and equipment are some of the activities that can be adapted save waterAccording to the decisions to be taken on Wednesday, the Minister of Environment announced Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters at the end of the signing ceremony of the technical and financial cooperation protocol between the Environment Fund and the Municipal Council of Quilimani City, in Mozambique, Joao Matos Fernandez indicated that the first of five meetings will be held on Wednesday, led by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), to assess the technical measures to be taken anti-dry.

The first meeting will take place in the Algarve, followed by the remaining hydrographic sub-regions.

At the end of the meeting, in which Portuguese municipalities will participate, “concrete measures to reduce and save water are likely to be taken,” according to the Minister of Environment and Climate Action.

According to Matos Fernandez, another goal of these meetings is to align with a “big campaign to save water”.

“In the near future, what can most likely be done is to enact new measures to restrict water use, which mainly include agricultural and other urban activities.”he added.

“Irrigation of green spaces, washing of streets and washing of some equipment may be conditional,” he added.

Let’s see what happens in each region, because each region is different and each case dry Minister said.

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