December 22, 2024

The selection process has 52 vacancies for a psychologist and social worker with a salary of R$ 3.6 thousand in MS

1 min read
Processo seletivo tem 52 vagas para psicólogo e assistente social com salário de R$ 3,6 mil em MS

SAS (Secretariat for Municipal Social Assistance) and Mr (Minister of State for education) opened to treat Selective with 52 vacancies, 26 of which are for a schoolteacher and educational psychologist and another 26 for a social worker. at Recordings The sending of documents begins on Wednesday (20).

According to the State Gazette (DOE), candidates need to have a higher education certificate to work in the position of Director of Educational Activities, in municipal schools Campo Grande, as well as the regional education coordinators and the municipalities under their jurisdiction.

Anyone interested should access the SES website to follow the full progress of the process. The registration period began this morning (20), with the submission of documents for curricula evaluation. The first result of this analysis should occur on May 5, 2022.

After that, there will be the possibility of an appeal and a new result of this analysis will occur on May 11 of the same year. On the same date, the invitation of successful candidates will be announced within the number of vacancies offered, and the date for submission of documents, by the candidate, will be scheduled on 16 and 17 May.

The workload will be 40 hours per week, with a monthly salary of R$3,600.

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