September 8, 2024

Petrobras raises the price of natural gas for distributors by 19% | Economie

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Petrobras raises the price of natural gas for distributors by 19% |  Economie

The Petrobras Friday (29) announced that it will raise the selling price of natural gas to distributors by 19%, starting Sunday.

The product is a raw material for CNG, pipeline cooking gas and a source of energy for various sectors of the industry. For cylinders, the reference value is LPG.

In addition to the price charged PetrobrasFederal and state taxes, plus distributors and resellers’ profit margins, make up the final gas price.

According to the company, the increase took into account changes in Brent oil and the exchange rate. Thus, the scale follows the import parity price (PPI) you have adopted Petrobras Since the administration of Pedro Parente.

Jose Mauro Ferreira Coelho takes over as President of Petrobras

Jose Mauro Ferreira Coelho takes over as President of Petrobras

At his inauguration, the head of the state-owned company, Jose Mauro Ferreira Coelho, did not directly address the issue of pricing policy, but It indicated that it intends to maintain the “management model” adopted since 2017 With improvements in Corporate Communications about its business.

In this Friday note, The Petrobras It states that the adjustment will be made for the February-March-April quarter and that the updated rates will remain in effect until July 31. “Quarterly Gas Update and Annual Transportation Update mitigate intraday volatility and ensure predictability and transparency,” he says.

As of 01/05 natural gas selling prices according to Petrobras For distributors, distributors will receive an average increase of 19% in R$/m3, compared to the February-March-April quarter. Adjustment results from updating based on agreed formulas, which relate gas price variance to Brent oil and exchange rate changes. Updated prices will be valid until 7/31/2022, as previously negotiated and specified in the signed contracts.

Quarterly gas updates and annual transportation updates smooth out intraday volatility and ensure predictability and transparency. The contracts are public and are published on the website of the National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).

The Petrobras It shows that the final price of natural gas to the consumer is determined not only by the company’s sales price, but also by distributors’ margins (and in the case of CNG, resale terminals), federal and state taxes. In addition, the tariff approval process is carried out by government regulatory bodies, in accordance with specific legislation and regulations.

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