September 8, 2024

FAPESP returns assistance to the visiting researcher

1 min read
FAPESP reajusta auxílio a pesquisador visitante

FAPESP returns assistance to the visiting researcher

With the approval of the Supreme Council, the values ​​increased by approximately 20%. The change took effect earlier this month (Illustration: Sirio Cançado / Agência FAPESP)

May 13, 2022

FAPESP . agency – The FAPESP Supreme Council has agreed to amend the monthly maintenance fee for visiting researchers. This type of grant allows researchers from research institutions abroad or from other Brazilian states to stay at a research institution in the state of São Paulo, for a continuous period of not more than one year.

The new values ​​have been in effect since May 1, with an adjustment rate of approximately 20% for the three categories, equivalent to professors, doctors and assistants. Last modified September 1, 2018.

The change applies to new proposals for visiting scholar assistance, including operations under contract, and for assistance already in force, for which the new May monthly maintenance values ​​have been adopted.

The table with values ​​is available at:

The rules of how to assist the visiting researcher can be found at:


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