September 8, 2024

Corinthians coach talks about reinforcements and regrets not penalizing entries at Willian

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Corinthians coach talks about reinforcements and regrets not penalizing entries at Willian

Corinth’s bad performance in 1-1 draw against America – MGAnd this Sunday, for the Brazilians, it was not the only point that coach Vitor Pereira regretted. At a post-match press conference, the coach commented on a possible problem with Willian.

Speaking of Corinthians’ squad building, Vitor Pereira spoke about the players currently injured. Examples include Joe, Paulinho and Joao Victor, but the coach has not forgotten midfielder Willian, who on Sunday stood out strongly on the field and left in the 40th minute of the first half after feeling the pain.

When I accepted the invitation, I accepted the Corinthians team. I knew who they were and accepted the challenge. It’s not a perfect team, it’s a squad, when we have three or four injured, like Paulinho, Joe, Joao Victor, Willian now… Today, and I said it once, these players add something to the game and if some entries are not penalized, they will be disqualified. Willian is always punished’,” the coach commented at a press conference.

Number 10, it is worth noting, had his first foul in the 12th minute, but he tried to stay on the field. The first mistake writer, Gustavino, was the only one warned in the roles. The athlete received a yellow card.

When asked about potential loan returns, Vítor Pereira avoided detailing each athlete’s case, but stated that all possibilities would be analyzed. As I mentioned before My dreamMateus Vital, Ramiro and Bruno Mendes are the players most likely to be used by the Portuguese.

“What I mean, we know that the team, under certain conditions, we have to look at the reality of the club. After a while, try to reinforce a few poses thoroughly, if possible. If not, we must heal the woundedPlay with the youngest and give the best you can. We have to consider all possibilities, including those who return on loan“, He said.

The coach was also asked about the future of the team in Brazil. With the addition of Sunday’s draw to the results of Palmeiras and Atlético MG, Corinth is now third in the table. Timão has the same 15 points as the two opponents, but is behind on goal difference.

I think we always have to improve. If we keep working together, if we don’t lose trust, which is essential, we will improve. These growths will begin to not feel pain, but rather they will gain maturity. Now, I can’t guess if it will be eight rounds from now. I can’t know where I’ll be, I can’t guess the future because I don’t have a crystal ball, but I believe in work and that it will lead us to good things‘ concluded Vitor Pereira.

See more at: Willian, Vtor Pereira, Corinthians x America-MG, Brazil Championship, New Chemical Arena and arbitration.

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