September 8, 2024

The general is accused of using public money to defend a private cause

2 min read
The general is accused of using public money to defend a private cause

The General Ministry of the Federal District and Territories analyzes the crime news submitted against General Ricardo Figueiredo, Director of the Chief Geap (Executive Group for Employer Assistance), the health plan for federal public servants and some states and municipalities.

Appointed by the Civil House, Figueiredo had used resources from the health plan to pay for a lawsuit against a former counselor for moral damages. According to SINSSP (Union of Social Security and Welfare Workers of the State of São Paulo), the procedure would have a personal character and, therefore, had to be paid by the general himself.

The Federation condemns the use of a health plan attorney to enter and work in this process to defend Figueiredo’s interests. It also included two proofs of payment provided by Geap for fees charged by the court in which the lawsuit was filed, one for R$433.90 and the other for R$18.07.

In addition, news of the crime reported that Ricardo Figueiredo lost the case and was ordered to pay the salaries of the lawyer of the former counselor who had sued him. The amount of R$4,529.11 came from the plan coffers.

Geap has two main sources of revenue: contributions from beneficiaries and those from sponsors, i.e. bodies with which the beneficiaries are associated. Since most of them are public servants, a large part of the resources come from the union coffers. That is why it is up to the civil council to appoint three of the six council members, one of whom is the president and director of the institution.

News of the crime filed with the MPDFT was distributed to the attorney general last Thursday (30), who will analyze whether to accept the complaint. Sweet, Geap stated that he would not express himself as he was not aware of the content of the crime news. (Giuliana Braga and Fabio Zanini/Vulbras)

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