October 28, 2024

Let Novak Djokovic play, US senator urges

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Let Novak Djokovic play, US senator urges

Washington (USA) – Although Serbian Novak Djokovic’s presence at this year’s US Open is still undefined, a new chapter has been written in this story. Speaking exclusively Daily mailSenator Ted Cruz joined the controversy and demanded that the US presidency be more flexible in the rules, allowing ‘Nole’ to run in New York.

Cruz, one of several Republicans to criticize Joe Biden following the ban on unvaccinated foreigners entering the country, bluntly said: “Let Novak Djokovic play,” while the Texas state senator-elect accused Biden of calling the ban ‘ridiculous’. Extends the infection beyond necessity.

“The Left realizes that if Covid ends, they will lose control over the lives of Americans. That’s why Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci are pushing an epidemic for good,” Cruz added.

More than 17,000 fans have signed an online petition urging the US government to allow Djokovic to play in the two-week tournament starting on August 29. Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee took another stance. “It is ridiculous that Novak Djokovic is not allowed to enter the United States. No one should be punished, directly or indirectly, for not vaccinating.

US Congressman Buddy Carter was similarly adamant about allowing Djokovic to play at the US Open, but noted: “He is not a victim of this administration’s pseudoscience ban, 60,000 players have had their pay reduced to zero because of their vaccination status. And health workers are still subject to this unconstitutional requirement”.

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