September 8, 2024

MEI’s earnings cap of R$144,000 already approved?

2 min read
Project increases MEI billing limit and annual update

Members of the Parliamentary Front for Entrepreneurship (FPE) are working to obtain the 87 signatures necessary to prepare the FPE The project that extends the roof of Simples Nacional In camera. The entire mobilization was coordinated by MP Marco Bertaioli (PSD-SP).

Read also: The MEI electronic service invoice deadline has been extended to April

With the project, billing required for Small Individual Entrepreneur (MEI) And the Small business owners It will be updated. Thus, the MEI cap will rise from R$81,000 to R$144,913.41, while the value of microenterprises will rise from R$360,000 to R$869,480.43. For small businesses, the cap will increase from R$4.8 million to R$8,694,804.31.

In addition, the proposal also seeks to MEI can employ up to two employeesAs long as they receive, each, the amount of the minimum wage. Currently, the legislation allows the owner of a small business to have only one employee. The amendments aim to update the schedule, as parliamentarians justify that obsolescence harms entrepreneurs, as there was no real growth for companies in the past years.

opposite reaction

The text running today in the room was changed by the proposal’s rapporteur, Marco Bertaioli. Prior to the change, federal revenue estimated the budget impact at R$66 billion in 2023. This is due to the increase in the Senate’s proposed limit for MEI only, at R$130.

However, with the changes that have taken place in the Chamber, the tax concession will probably be greater than that previously calculated by the revenue. Thus, the MP says, the net financial impact of the changes will be positive, as it will further formalize businesses and their workers.

On the other hand, the entities opposed to the proposal claim that the measure will not encourage formalization, in addition to increasing the primary deficit. Thus, the new model would place companies with greater economic capacity in a category that should be reserved for smaller companies, which pay less taxes.

Finally, due to changes in the text, the proposal must return for a new analysis by the senators, if approved by the plenary session of the House.

paying off: The minimum wage will be a real increase for the first time in 4 years

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