September 8, 2024

Has 5G kit distribution to low-income households already begun?

2 min read
Has 5G kit distribution to low-income households already begun?

a 5G signal It is gradually spreading across the Brazilian territory, improving the mobile Internet signal in the places it reaches. With it, users get faster internet access by cell phone and tablets. In addition, the technology also allows for faster data transmission and clarity in the images and sounds of the contents.

However, only 11 Brazilian capitals are actually structured using network antennas Fifth generation network, responsible for transferring the necessary access. Operators intention is to increase Expand the reference to other capitals And municipalities are medium in size in the rest of the country, ensuring better access to the mobile network for more consumers.

However, even with the goal of developing mobile Internet technology, part of the population still does not own a device that receives a 5G signal, due to the high cost price. In addition to having a smartphone or tablet that supports the new technology, the user still needs to rent an internet package that offers the signal.

a look: Find out the difference in 5G internet speed.

5G cluster distribution

Given the high cost of consumer adaptation to the new technology, the government is looking for alternatives to 5G signal distribution. Thus, the aim is to enable families who are in a situation of social vulnerability to also have access to the new job.

The idea was born before elected transitional government, which intends to distribute free 5G signal kits to Brazilians who cannot purchase the device or subscribe to the data package. However, the project has not yet been confirmed, because the new government has yet to start.

However, a survey has already been conducted to analyze the possible distribution of clusters. It is expected that to participate in the new project, citizens need to be registered in the individual registry, as well as prove their social status. Therefore, it is essential that the government continues to study the conditions imposed to determine the good performance of the program.

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