October 18, 2024

Brazil has over a million SUS delayed surgeries

2 min read
Brazil has over a million SUS delayed surgeries

According to a survey conducted by Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz), in Brazil there is a queue of more than 1 million delayed medical procedures in the SUS (Unified Health System).

The research sought to understand the impact of the pandemic on public health in the country and concluded that between 2020 and 2022, elective surgeries, especially skin and breast surgeries, and regular and specialized medical consultations were the most affected.

The researchers considered average attendance for the years 2014 to 2019. Then, with the help of specialists from MonitoraCovid-19, they came to the conclusion of a lack of attendance and procedures during the pandemic period.

Fiocruz said in a note that some areas of the country are experiencing significant shortages of clinical care and surgical procedures that can develop into major health complications. It concludes, “In addition, the pent-up demand for examinations and diagnostics poses problems for exacerbating clinical conditions that are not addressed in a timely manner.”

To solve the problem, the group proposes investments to restore dam care to patients and prevent deficit growth for new patients.

The federal government transition team complained about the lack of data from the current president’s government Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the field of health. There is no official data from the SUS waiting list, for example, from the stockpile of vaccines, especially those for Covid-19. According to the president-elect team Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), there is also no action plan to combat the pandemic or improve childhood vaccination rates.

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