September 8, 2024

The deliberations board holds a meeting to vote on the approval of legal measures, such as an extrajudicial recovery, for Botafogo to restructure liabilities

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The deliberations board holds a meeting to vote on the approval of legal measures, such as an extrajudicial recovery, for Botafogo to restructure liabilities

a Botafogo An important internal meeting will take place on March 6, at General Severiano’s. a deliberative council He called an extraordinary meeting to vote on the board’s approval of legal measures, such as extrajudicial recovery, to reduce and restructure the club’s liabilities.

The text makes this reservation possible Elimination recovery It will only be carried out if there is the prior consent of the Deliberation Board, with guarantees to the club “sufficient for the full and timely payment of the acknowledged debt”.

In a live broadcast on FogãoNET last month, John Textor Disclosure of dissatisfaction with the law SAFwhich was not enough to protect Botafogo from concessions and sieges, even with a payment Central enforcement system.

Read the summons below, signed by Mauro SodryChairman of Board of Directors:

ON THE TWENTY FOURTH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2023 THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOTAFOGO DE FUTEBOL E REGATAS, IN EXERCISE OF ITS POWERS, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLES 63, SECOND CLAUSE B, AND 65 OF THE STATUTE, ISSUES THIS INVITATION NOTICE FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT BOARD, To be held from the Colonial Palace located in the club’s headquarters, at Av. Venceslau Brás No. 72, on March 6, 2023, with the first call at 7:00 pm, and the second call at 7:30 pm, to address the next topic, the only item on the schedule Business:

(a) To authorize the Board of Directors to take, on behalf of BOTAFOGO DE FUTEBOL E REGATAS, the measures provided for by Brazilian legislation, including extrajudicial recovery, with the aim of reducing and restructuring the civil and labor liabilities of the Club, with the exception of: ORGANIZATION SUPERVISED BY THE COURT WILL BE CONDITIONED TO THE PRIOR APPROVAL, BY THE BOARD OF DEVELOPMENT, OF GUARANTEES PROVIDED IN Favour OF BOTAFOGO DE FUTEBOL E REGATAS THAT PROVIDE Sufficient Payment Of The Recognized Debt In Full And In Time, Under Terms Approved By A Final Decision Of The Court, With The Addition Of The Amount necessary to fund the entire operation, which includes, but is not limited to, the remuneration payable to the administrator and other professionals engaged in the defense of the club’s interests.

The meeting will be held in mixed format.

Directors who feel safe to attend the meeting in person will attend the main hall of the Colony Mansion; Those who choose to participate in the meeting remotely will be able to do so by accessing the electronic platform that will be made available for this purpose.

Attendance at the meeting will be verified and the votes of all managers, regardless of in-person or remote participation, will be collected through the electronic platform, which will allow participation in the discussions of those who did not attend the venue from the event.”

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