September 8, 2024

Sony has “lost control” in opposing the acquisition of Activision, according to a well-known analyst

2 min read
Sony has “lost control” in opposing the acquisition of Activision, according to a well-known analyst

Sony is very aggressively resisting Activision’s takeover of Blizzard, but according to Microsoft lawyers, it’s not doing it in the best way and “losing control” about the narrative he’s trying to push. The information is from Florian Müller, a lawyer who is currently (also) working for Microsoft and an expert analyst.

Florian Mueller shared his statement on Twitter. He also stated that Sony missed many opportunities to provide “constructive solutions” and Favor fierce opposition made by them “Losing control of the narrative”. In other words, the Japanese would be out of control and firing in all possible directions to try and ensure their drive.

Mueller told Game Rant that he is not aware of “any other case in which the complainant’s prohibitive position has been so clearly articulated” as in this case. Antitrust regulators don’t like it.Argues.

When asked what Sony could have done differently to influence the long-term outcome of the Activision Blizzard acquisition, Mueller pointed to the recent revelation that a Sony executive had brushed off any chance of a deal on the day of the EU hearing. . “Everyone has been in Brussels and this will be the time to sit down and agree,” he says. For context, “everyone” also includes Nvidia, which on the same day announced a 10-year deal with Microsoft to bring Xbox PC games to its GeForce Now streaming platform.

Mueller acknowledges that creating enough hype to lead to competitive investigations is no easy feat, but he calls it a “paycheck” compared to regulators blocking takeovers like these that are “usually sanctioned” when combined with “effective treatments”. The “remedies” are the non-exclusive deals Microsoft makes with various companies, like the aforementioned Nvidia, Nintendo, and smaller streaming platforms like Ubitus.


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