September 8, 2024

A fish filmed at a record depth of 8,300 meters in Japan | Sciences

4 min read
A fish filmed at a record depth of 8,300 meters in Japan |  Sciences

Fish of the Liparidae family caught at a depth of 8,022 meters in the Japan Trench – Image: Minderoo-UWA Deep Sea Research Center via BBC

Scientists photographed a fish swimming in a Exceptional depth in the oceanmaking it the deepest sea ever seen.

The species—a species of fish in the family Liparidae and genus Pseudoliparis—was filmed swimming Depth 8336 meters.

The animal was recorded by a camera attached to a remotely operated metal structure and fell into the perimeter trench Izu OgasawaraSouthern Japan.

The fish photographed were at or very close to the maximum depth at which the fish can live.According to Alan Jamieson, a professor at the University of Western Australia and the principal investigator of the study that recorded the animal.

The previous deepest observation of fish was made at 8,178 meters in the South Pacific Ocean in the Mariana Trench. Thus, this find in Japan breaks the depth record by 158 meters.

“If this new record is broken it will be by a very small margin, maybe only a few metres,” Jamieson told BBC News.

A researcher of the ocean’s deepest regions, Jamieson predicted 10 years ago that the fish would likely be found at depths from 8,200m to 8,400m. A decade of research around the world confirmed this prediction.

Fish photographed at greater depth can be seen in the lower left corner of the image – Image: Minderoo-UWA Deep Sea Research via BBC

Notable animals

The small specimen of Pseudoliparis was imaged by a camera system attached to a metal structure and released onto the side of a DSSV Pressure Drop vessel. A lure has been added to the structure to attract marine life.

Although the fish were not caught to determine their exact species, several fish were caught at a slightly lower depth in the Japan Trench, at 8,022 metres.

The fish caught was also from the Liparidae family, the species Pseudoliparis belyaevi, and held the record of ‘Fish caught in the deepest part of the ocean.

Liparidae fish are amazing. They exist More than 300 speciesMany live in shallow waters and can be found in estuaries.

But species in this family have also adapted to the cold Arctic and Antarctic waters and extreme pressure conditions found in the world’s deepest trenches.

At a depth of 8 km, they are under pressure of more than 80 MPa – 800 times the pressure at the ocean surface.

Their gelatinous bodies allow them to survive. An added advantage is the lack of a swim bladder, a gas-filled organ found in many fish and used to control buoyancy—which would suffer from high pressure.

Also, the way they feed favors life in the depths. They are suckers and consume small crustaceans, many of which are found in ocean trenches.

Professor Jamieson says the discovery of fish at a greater depth than that found in the Mariana Trench is likely due to the slightly warmer waters in the Izu-Ogasawara Trench.

“We expected the deep-sea fish to be there and we expected it to be Lebarida,” he said. “I get frustrated when people say we don’t know anything about the sea floor. We do. Things are changing fast.”

Other fish were filmed at a slightly shallower depth – Image: Minderoo-UWA Deep Sea Research Center via BBC

Jamieson is the founder of the Minderoo-UWA Center for Deep Sea Research. On that expedition, which also explored the Ryukyu Trench, he worked with a team from the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.

The DSSV Pressure Drop and its manned submarine called Limiting Factor were used by American adventurer Victor Vescovo in 2018 and 2019 to visit the deepest parts of Earth’s five major oceans. The Texan became the first person in history to complete this “circle,” and Jamison served as the lead scientist in the endeavor.

The ship and submarine were sold last year to the marine research organization Inkfish and are now being sent for refit in San Diego.

It has also been renamed – the ship is now Dagon and the submarine Bakunawa – and will be at sea again in June, with Jamison again serving as chief scientist.

Born in Scotland, Jamison is credited with not only discovering fish in the deepest depths of the ocean, but also octopuses, jellyfish and squid in the depths.

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