November 27, 2024

Will the government tax e-commerce and sports betting? understand the situation

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Will the government tax e-commerce and sports betting?  understand the situation

According to information provided by Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, the federal government must announce some measures that can generate an annual increase of more than R$100 billion for the federal public treasury. To this end, the government intends create a new tribute, with a goal Taxes for online sports betting and e-commerce purchases.

In today’s news, you will be able to see that in addition to that, Haddad also reported that the government should try to limit the use of tax benefits that states give to some companies. This measure can cause an impact of R$85 to R$90 billion annually and is intended to ensure that the incentive only benefits the investments and not the cost of the expenses.

When this concept is about cost, what is the point of a company that earns more because of a tax advantage than the state deducts two federal taxes from its computational base, it doesn’t make sense. We will limit ourselves to the concept of investment”, the minister said during an interview with GloboNews.

New taxes on e-commerce purchases

a taxes on goods Obtained on e-commerce sites has sparked a lot of discussions on social networks in recent days. For the federal government, when taxing purchases made in the international websites By not paying taxes, it is possible to reduce competition with local retailers, which is beneficial to the Brazilian market.

He said, “A company that has e-commerce, disguises that e-commerce and passes it off as a money transfer from one person to another to avoid paying taxes… Smith.

Despite this, the minister stressed that the proposal is not to impose a tax on everyone E-Commerce, as Brazilian companies in this sector already pay taxes. Smith , “E-commerce is beneficial for the country, it stimulates competition. What we must stop is smuggling“, He said.

When asked about the companies that will be taxed, Haddad said that he does not know which companies currently operate irregularly. “You don’t tax a ‘corporation’. There are no taxes on a corporation. There are to reduce.” smuggling. All companies can operate in Brazil. What they can’t do is create a file Unfair competition “Who pays taxes here?” said the minister.

See how virtual trade taxes work

For companies with revenues of up to R$4.8 million annually, it is recommended to use Simple patriotism, since e-commerce taxes in this method are maxed out at 19%. In these cases, the tax is collected through a Simples Nacional (DAS) group document.

For companies with revenues of up to R$48 million per year, assumed profit is indicated. The calculation of this method is calculated after analyzing the total e-commerce profit and its percentage he won. The activity carried out by the company is also inconsistent with the tax.

A blacksmith strikes a hammer and affirms the creation of tribute, shocking Brazilians today. Photo: Adriano Machado/Reuters

Finally, the real profit of a comp is indicated E-Commerce With revenues of more than R$78 million annually. This method has a slightly more complicated calculation that takes into account net profit in different time periods.

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