December 23, 2024

Sleeping with a mobile phone under your pillow causes cancer

2 min read
Sleeping with a mobile phone under your pillow causes cancer

Few people know, but sleeping with the device under the pillow can do something very dangerous to your health.

Many people nowadays sleep with a cell phone very close and use it on their face, tucking it under the pillow, so it’s easy to reach in case they need the thing sometime in the morning.

What many people do not know is that placing your cell phone under your pillow causes your device to overheat, which can cause damage to your aim as well as to your health.

That’s why, according to scientist and physician Joel Moskovitz, of the University of California-Berkeley, a cell phone emits electromagnetic waves of cell phone radiation that can be classified as carcinogenic.

In contrast to Joel’s study, the US National Cancer Institute issued a statement saying that more studies are needed to prove the doctor’s theory.

In short, the scientific body has stated that the research indicating that the device causes cancer is inconsistent and therefore should not be stated as an absolute fact.

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