October 18, 2024

Miku in Japan kills Lula’s imagination “Messenger of Peace” – Diario de Bauder

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Miku in Japan kills Lula’s imagination “Messenger of Peace” – Diario de Bauder

The presence of Brazil among the countries invited to the G7 meeting, including Vietnam and the Cook Islands, hindered President Lula’s (Workers’ Party) perception of playing a role in ending the war in Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky had to put the Brazilian “in his place”, succumbing to the insistence that he not finally show up at the appointed time for the announced “meeting” with Lula. Asked if Lula had disappointed him, the Ukrainian laughed and quipped: “He’s the one who was disappointed.”

Diplomatic dwarf

Lula’s taunts are reminiscent of Yigal Palmor, a spokesperson for the Israeli government, who in 2014 called Brazil’s Dilma government a “diplomatic dwarf.”

minor character

After confusing statements about the war, the New York Times has redefined Lula and now classifies him as Vladimir Putin’s docile president.

Burn the film

Lula’s pretending to read so as not to greet Zelensky was embarrassing. It reveals the dwarfism of Lola’s diplomacy under the influence of Celso Amorim.

There was no surprise

Upset that Zielinski stole the show, Lula complained about the “surprise” arrival. The warring rulers’ travels are not advertised.

Cars 11 senators reach 5 kilometers per liter

Even with the fleet using vehicles of the same make and technical specifications, fuel consumption is quite different among the Senators, indicating some kind of serious irregularity. Eleven parliamentarians recorded an average consumption of less than 5 km per litre. In the top five in terms of spending in April: Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES), 2.43 km/l; Romário (PL-RJ) 3.3 km/l; Beto Faro (PT-PA), 3.51 km/l; Luis Carlos Hines (PP-RS), 3.76 km/l and Fernando Farias (MDB-AL), 3.79 km/l.

Follow the list

Soraya Thronic (União-MS) 3.83 km/l, Lucas Pareto (PSD-AP), 3.97 km/l; Marcelo Castro (MDB-PI), 4.19 km/l; Damaris (Rep-DF), 4.45 km/l

Close the arrangement

Randolfe Rodrigues (No party-AP), 4.6 km / l, and Nelsinho Trad (PSD-MS), 4.76 km / l close the list of the most drunken cars in the Senate.


The cars used by the Senators are all models of the Sentra SL in black. The average consumption of the Senado fleet is 7.17 km / liter.

Unabashed strength

The Blind Man in the Senate

As if there was nothing else to do, a group of senators once, years ago, reported on news that blindness could be a “side effect” of heart patients who mix their medication with Viagra — the delight of men with erectile dysfunction. The late Baha’i Senator and Papalao ACM joked, “That’s why I’m already learning Braille…”

The wrong guy in Apex

Jorge Viana’s tenure as President of ApexBrasil (Export Promotion Agency) has been annulled by the 5th Federal Civil Court of DF. To stay in office, this person who went to China to speak ill of Brazil will have to prove that he speaks English, according to Judge Diana Wanderley’s decision. at least.

System S is in danger

The S System is closely following the Senate agenda this week. The House is expected to vote on the bill diverting 5% of Sesc/Senai groups to fund Embratur advertising.

Only in the protocol

Lula’s government and the Workers’ Party will not have an easy life: among the 102 votes against the urgency of the fiscal framework in the Council, there are deputies from MDB, PDT, PP, PSD, PSDB, Psol, Podemos, Rede, União, Novo and, of course, PL.

certainty of disaster

Senator Zequinha Marinho (PA) has announced his departure from the leadership of the PL State Guide. But he insisted, reaffirming that “the government set up in the Palazzo Planalto is the inevitability of disaster.”


The undersigned against abuse of power by the STF and TSE is an online success. Launched last Friday (19), the list has an average of 100,000 signatures per day.

weight of injustice

For jurist and former congresswoman Janaina Pachwal, it is “heavy” to know that Deltan Dalagnoll did not divert public resources or accept money to punish the innocent or to free the guilty, but was impeached based on the Clean Record Act, which “seldom” punishes those who actually commit crimes.

small mouth

The Roraima Legislative Assembly affirmed that the First Lady of the Board of Auditors is for life. With 17 votes, in a secret ballot, Simone Denarium was guaranteed a monthly salary of R$35,400.

Burnt film

Yury do Paredão (PL-CE)’s photo with Lula still appears on social networks. The party has forgiven the member of parliament, but followers continue to mock Baridao and demand his expulsion from Hizb ut-Tahrir.

think well…

… It is a historic achievement to upset Russia, Ukraine, the United States and China in one flight.

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