October 18, 2024

Unasur, go to the eastern side and appeal to Brigs: Th

4 min read
Unasur, go to the eastern side and appeal to Brigs: Th

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro’s recent international commitments marked a return to multilateral events that the country had avoided for years. In addition to gaining international prominence in the press, for example, during his visit to Brazil, Maduro’s presence contrasts with the diplomatic isolation Venezuela has experienced in recent years, mainly due to the blockade imposed by the United States and the presence of right-wing governments in South America.

In the past 20 days, Maduro has traveled to Brasilia to meet President Lula, participated in the 1st meeting of South American leaders in seven years, and expressed his desire to take Venezuela into the BRICS. In addition, Chavista attended the inauguration of re-elected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and visited Saudi Arabia, where he signed cooperation agreements.

“They want to blockade Venezuela, to isolate us, basically the image of an interim president, this travesty of the United States and the European community.” This is the opinion of Juan Carlos Valdes, a Venezuelan lawyer and international researcher.

to Brazil indeedWith the end of former Vice President Juan Guaidó’s “interim government,” he says the path is wide open to re-enter Venezuela into the global conversation space.

“Guaidó’s strategy is already collapsing like a house of cards, so Venezuela, without a doubt, is moving on the path of resettlement on the planet, because resettlement is taking place on a global scale, and BRICS countries play an important role. For that,” he says.

:: What’s Happening in Venezuela ::

During his visit to Brazil, Maduro signed cooperation agreements with Lula and thanked the Brazilian president for welcoming him. Amid the criticism, welcoming Maduro represents a full restoration of relations with the neighboring country, which, according to the president, has suffered from US sanctions and negative narratives created in recent years.

Venezuela in BRICS?

It was in Brazil that Maduro expressed Venezuela’s desire to join the BRICS, an economic and trade bloc made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

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“BRICS has become a big magnet for all countries that want a peaceful world, more than 30 countries want to join BRICS. Now, BRICS bank has an excellent Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. […] If they ask us, we will say yes, we want to be part of BRICS with the architectural construction of this new world that will be born,” the Venezuelan president said at the time.

The integration of the new countries depends on all members of the bloc, but Lula has signaled his neighbors’ entry favorably. “We are going to discuss it, because it does not depend only on the will of Brazil, so if there is an official request, we are going to discuss it. If you ask my wish, I say: I am in favor”, he said.

:: With Maduro, Lula criticizes US sanctions against Venezuela and defends BRICS expansion ::

Since the beginning of the economic crisis and especially after the tightening of economic sanctions imposed by Washington, Venezuela has faced a series of obstacles to trade with other countries.

A dollar shortage caused by an embargo against the oil industry and limits on financial transactions abroad are some of the obstacles to Venezuelan trade, affecting not only export capacity but also internal exchange rate chaos in an already battered country. An extreme picture of inflation over the years.

Joining Brics or Banco do Brics, known as the New Development Bank (NBD), will help the country overcome these hurdles. However, experts are skeptical about Venezuela’s entry into the federation.

In an interview Brazil indeedEconomist Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr, former vice-president of Banco do Brics, said the entry of new countries such as Venezuela is a “difficult and time-consuming” process, which Caracas would be more likely to focus on returning to. Regional blocs such as Unasur and Mercosur.

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“Lula is right, there must be a consensus among the five members of the BRICS, that Venezuela will never enter alone, it will enter with other countries. I think it is very important for you not to take a step that is too big. Bigger than legs, but remove Guaidó’s nominees in the IDB. [Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento]Returning to Mercosur, resolving the debt with BNDES, these are concrete things that Brazil and Venezuela can achieve”, he said.

The economist said Caracas and the Maduro government should help with this diplomatic overhaul, although he thinks the rapprochement between the two countries promoted by Lula’s government “has a long way to go.”

“Brazil, together with Lula, can help gradually lift the sanctions, bring Venezuela to Mercosur and resume Venezuela’s presence, but this is a construction process that will help Brazil move forward,” he said.

A visit to US ally Saudi Arabia

Maduro also visited Saudi Arabia shortly after attending Erdogan’s inauguration ceremony in Turkey last Monday (05). The President and his entourage met with Prince Mohammed bin Salman and signed cooperation agreements with the country.

Analysts suggest that the rapprochement between Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producers, can also be analyzed as part of the geopolitical realignment of some countries in the South. Brazil indeed.

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Closer to the United States, the Saudis are using some changes in the conduct of their foreign policy and reaching out to countries that have friction with Washington, such as Venezuela.

In March, the country resumed China-mediated talks with Iran after seven years of severing diplomatic ties with Iran. In addition, Riyadh has also become closer to Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government, which attended the Arab League conference in May at the invitation of Saudi diplomacy.

Editing: Patricia De Matos

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