September 8, 2024

Emotional Intelligence: Development and Evaluation within the Brazilian Army – Eblog Text

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Emotional Intelligence: Development and Evaluation within the Brazilian Army - Eblog Text

Emotional intelligence (EI) is intrinsically linked to military activities. The importance of this skill can be clearly seen during crisis management and in leadership practice. Within the Brazilian Army, the Performance Management System (SGD) is used.And Since 2015And To assess professional military personnel in the various competencies that make up emotional intelligence, such as: tact, leadership, camaraderie, perseverance, and emotional stability, and demonstrate their importance in the military context.

The purpose of the SGD is to assess and manage the professional performance of military personnel by monitoring skills often demonstrated through IE. This assessment supports the selection and promotion processes by analyzing different competencies. These aspects, which are related to other characteristics such as self-esteem, motivation, and empathy, are directly related to the so-called emotional quotient (EQ).

Nearly thirty years ago, American psychologist Daniel Goleman promoted breaking the paradigm that intelligence quotient (IQ) will determine an individual’s ability and performance. According to Goleman, no matter how high a person’s IQ is, their high professional ability will certainly be damaged by their lack of emotional ability, which indicates a low IQ.

leapAnd ThenAnd The concept of emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize and control emotions and transform them into positive situations. In addition to this interpersonal ability, this type of intelligence also helps to interact with others, in the so-called interpersonal relationships.

Emotion arises from an external stimulus, presenting itself as a set of changes perceived by the body. It is the activation of reflexes (heart acceleration, sweating, tremors, etc.) throughout the body, resulting from situations outside the normal state.

With the improvement of studies of different types of intelligence, it has been found that emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed and that there is not necessarily a direct link between emotional intelligence and IQ, as emotion and cognition are controlled by different parts of the brain. butAnd After all, how could the military develop this skill?

The first step is knowing oneself and identifying one’s feelings. Military personnel must know themselves and be aware of the change in their natural state, seek to control their impulses and realize their physical reactions to feelings, which will enable conscious attitudes to solve a problem in a critical situation.

Another way to develop emotional intelligence is to adopt an optimistic and flexible attitude in the face of events. People who tend to draw immediate negative conclusions in the face of uncertainty experience emotional stress up front, often without it. For example, a group sergeant leader should strive to be a reference for optimism for his subordinatesAnd Otherwise, it may discourage the group, hinder the achievement of the mission.

Another factor that contributes to the growth of IE is maintaining a good working environment. We can monitor the activities of the sub-unit. No matter how arduous and stressful the task may be for its members, an environment of respect, justice, and smooth communication gives the military a sense of security and belonging to the group, providing greater productivity.

Reading people’s nonverbal cues is another way to expand emotional intelligence. In this way, a military department head who exercises genuine concern and concern for the subordinates allows for more easily identifying the difficulties and needs of the personnel. Thus, it is possible to work on schedule to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, and contribute to alleviating personal or professional problems.

In this context, in the face of a strict hierarchical and disciplinary environment, consisting of a sometimes heterogeneous group, emotional intelligence must be exercised in order to develop interpersonal bonds, assess the potential of individuals and encourage the correction of their shortcomings.

Therefore, it has been observed that courage, empathy and exemplary behavior are traits demonstrated by leaders with high emotional intelligence. These traits enhance self-motivation in subordinates, thus generating a productive team work environment. It’s the process of pushing the group to go “beyond duty”.

It has also been highlighted as a very important factor in the application of emotional intelligence, and its positive impact on physical and mental health. Its development also helps prevent mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Psychosomatic illnesses result from difficulty dealing with emotions, as well as occupational stress and the daily “explosion” of information. These challenges created in the new “Society 5.0” are also evident in the military environment, especially in the current situation the world is going through.

In short, emotional intelligence should not be understood as the suppression of emotions, but as the ability to control them and the ability to empathetically recognize the feelings of others, in order to respond to daily challenges with a high degree of balance and flexibility.

It has also been verified that the SGD is an important tool for measuring and evaluating human resources, providing self-improvement of emotional intelligence by receiving vertical and lateral feedback regarding the performance of assessed soldiers.

Finally, conclude that emotional intelligence is a skill that must be developed through self-awareness and dedication to interpersonal relationships, giving new meaning to negative experiences and transforming emotions into situations that positively influence interpersonal conflict resolution.

Cap Paulo Rafael Ferreira Bastos /Text received from EBLOG/CCOMSEX –

Flickr image Army CULMINATING 2020


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