October 18, 2024

Alert with China, US and high interest in Brazil pushes Ebodaspa down by Estado content

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Cautela com China, EUA e juro alto no Brasil empurra Ibovespa para baixo
© Reuters. Alert with China, US and greater interest in Brazil pushes Ibovespa down

Concerns about the pace of China’s growth, the expected reduction in stimulus in the United States and reinforced fears about Brazilians in need of higher interest rates are some of the directions that justify the fall this Tuesday. Overseas, rough stocks and booming identities in U.S. bonds. The environment rose 0.27% to 113,583.01 points on Monday, causing Ibovespa to return.

Acceleration in the United States pushed Ipovespa to new lows, to a new daily high of 1.556%, while the Brazilian index fell more than 1% to 113,000 points. High expectations and stimulus cuts in the US are driving investor safe assets and lawsuits against US securities, citing Diego Ramon, head of strategy at Wise Investmentos.

“The increase in treasuries is the key today. In fact there is debate as to whether the US economy is already recovering and there is concern about inflation. Obviously, the bill has come to a point,” he said. , “A Priory, the film is not so controlled, but it weighs.” At 11:09 a.m., Ibovespa hit a new low of 112,088.28 points, down 1.32%, after a daily high of 113,584.12 points. Investors are waiting for Fed President Jerome’s speech to give signals about US monetary policy.

In November, with Feville’s speech, the market was optimistic about the possibility of the central bank launching a tapping reduction (economic stimulus). Earlier, Janet, the country’s treasury secretary, called on Congress to remove the country’s debt ceiling as soon as possible. In a letter to Congressmen, Yellen said the Treasury would not have the money to maintain its extraordinary financial operations until Oct. 18 if delegates and senators did not approve raising the ceiling.

“The overseas market is weighing in, especially as the 10-year treasury growth has exceeded 1.50%, and the stock market is still weighing on China-related concerns due to the latest data and skepticism about the Evergrande case (OTC). Sellers, suffering, must continue, “said Luis Roberto Montiro, the company’s desk operator for the Renaissance. Today, many like Louisa (SA 🙂 ON fell strong, for example, almost 4% lower.

Copom raised the base rate last week from 5.25% to 6.25% after revealing minutes, indicating a new adjustment of this magnitude in October, the point where the central bank (BC) is slightly open to a further increase, estimates RB Investimentos strategist Gustavo Cruz. However, in a document released today, he thinks that BC strengthens his thinking to increase the percentage point in Celix. In this sense, the RB will end 8.25% celik this year and rise 0.75% at the beginning of 2022, the rate will be 9.00%.

Aside from concerns about the state of the domestic economy, the pace of growth of Brazil’s main trading partner, China, is on the radar again today if uncertainty over the ‘Evergrande case’ is not enough. Amid concerns about supply shocks, analysts have begun to lower growth forecasts for the Asian company.

Profits of Chinese industrial companies rose 10.1% in August compared to the same month in 2020 (16.4% year-on-year). Trading in Qingdao, China closed at 6.08% (US $ 112.06 per tonne). Mining and steel stocks fell as a whole, while shares of the mining company fell about 3%. More about the company, the Brazilian company reported that 30 of the 39 workers trapped in an underground mine in Sutbury, Canada, returned to the surface Tuesday morning (28). Other employees are fired.

According to Cruz, there is great concern about the pace of Chinese activity, following reports and data showing a recession in the economy from the RPG. “Behind these industrial profits, I understand that there is already more regulation by the government in terms of electricity. Weak activity in China echoes it in other parts of the world,” he estimates.

However, rally overseas Petrobras (SA 🙂 is offering some relief, with shares rising more than 2.5%. Products are rising in the futures market for the sixth consecutive session, amid continuing tightening of supply as demand increases by easing controls caused by the Govt-19 epidemic. Petrobras shares rose about 1.40%.

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