October 18, 2024

Mint tea for what? Are you losing weight? See how you do it | feed

3 min read
Mint tea for what?  Are you losing weight?  See how you do it |  feed

Improved Digestion, Calming, Antioxidant, and Anti-inflammatory Effects: Peppermint tea leaves are known to help relieve intestinal symptoms, as well as aiding in the treatment of respiratory ailments. According to dietitian Allen Petrelli, peppermint tea, in addition to being very tasty and aromatic, is one of the teas used for various purposes in folk medicine. Despite this, it is necessary to understand the properties of mint, such as whether or not to use the tea for weight loss.

Tea can be an aid in the weight loss process, helping to control inflammation, fluid retention, and improve the process of detoxification (cleaning the body), among others, but No food can lose or gain weight on its own – Explains Allen Petrelli.

Mint tea – Photo: Istock Getty Images

Also, according to a dietitian, although the digestive and soothing properties of peppermint tea help in improving the intestines, it is important to investigate and treat the cause of problems in the intestines.

5 benefits of mint tea

  1. soothing action
  2. Help treat respiratory diseases.
  3. Digestive properties: It improves intestinal fermentation.
  4. Antimicrobial action: Substances that reduce the presence of microbes (bacteria, fungi);
  5. antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, For the presence of many bioactive compounds.

Moreover, peppermint tea is rich in micronutrients such as: Vitamin C, iron, phosphorous, calcium and potassium.

– Among the active ingredients in peppermint tea, I highlight menthol and methone as the main components, as well as flavonoids (bioactive substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties), terpenes (substances naturally produced by vegetables) and essential oils with high therapeutic activity – explains Allen Petrelli.

mint tea recipe

  • Water
  • 1 tablespoon of mint leaves
  1. let the water boil and turn off the fire;
  2. add the leaves (1 tablespoon) to 300 ml of water;
  3. Abafe for five minutes.

Dietitian Aline Petrilli recommends never letting the herb boil in water, and for therapeutic use, never sweeten the tea. Regarding the best time to consume. Depends on the goal.

  • To improve digestion, the ideal way is to drink tea after meals, adding ginger to enhance the strength of the digestive system;
  • For relaxation, it can be taken before bed.

According to nutritionist Allen Petrelli, the tea is not suitable for people with severe gallbladder changes due to the collagen activity that stimulates gallbladder contraction from peppermint. In addition to tea, it should be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under the age of five.

Source: Aline de Almeida Petrelli He is a nutritionist with a Master of Science degree from the University of the South Pacific School of Public Health. Works with clinical care and education.

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