September 8, 2024

Hurricane-force winds wreak havoc in Argentina

3 min read
<span class="entry-title-primary">Vento com força de furacão provoca estragos na Argentina</span> <h2 class="entry-subtitle">Região Sul da Argentina enfrenta neste domingo um dos piores dias de vento de sua história recente com falta de luz, queda de postes e muitos destelhamentos </h2>

This Sunday, Patagonia experiences a violent windstorm that started in the morning and gained intensity from the end of the afternoon to the beginning of the night. The winds are very strong and cause havoc in the area. Argentine meteorologists interviewed by MetSul say that in some cities it is the worst wind episode in several years with gusts of up to 180 km / h.

The most affected city was Comodoro Rivadavia in Chubut province. The explosions are extremely intense and destructive power for more than twelve hours continuously. Late Sunday afternoon, the local airport recorded the strongest storm of the day to date at 73 knots, or 135 km/h.

Comodoro Rivadavia experienced a chaotic Sunday early as a result of a gust of wind and is under an orange alert from Argentina’s National Weather Service. There were trees and columns falling in the city, as well as roofs.

The most impressive sight was the partial collapse of the roof of a Walmart hypermarket in the Perydon neighborhood. The store was evacuated due to security risks. Football matches in the area, as well as classes and public transportation, have been cancelled.

The Civil Defense of Chubut Province reported that roads in the province were cut off late Sunday afternoon as a precaution as a result of the orange alert. And the authorities informed, in a statement, that traffic is not allowed until 7:00 a.m. on Monday “preventively on national lanes No. 40 and 3”.

An extremely deep low pressure center operates south of Magallanes (Chile) and Tira del Fuego (Argentina), between Antarctica and the southernmost point of South America, which leads to lower atmospheric pressure values ​​in Patagonia. The air pressure in Comodoro Rivadavia at the airport was at 983 hPa late Sunday afternoon.

This is a local situation that poses no danger to other parts of Argentina, and poses no danger to Rio Grande do Sul, which will see a series of sunny days over the next few days with occasional moderate winds and afternoon storms at night. , as is typical for this time of year due to the contrast between cool air on the coast and daytime heating on the mainland.

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