September 15, 2024

A new discovery at Stonehenge could reveal the mystery around the monument

2 min read
A new discovery at Stonehenge could reveal the mystery around the monument

a Stonehenge It is a magnificent building made of stone circles and is a famous monument. Although it is widely famous, it is still possible that some people are not aware of its history and significance.

The stones of Stonehenge are impressive, some of them reach 5 meters in height and weigh more than 40 tons. Its round design and delicate construction have intrigued and inspired many over the years.

The monument has been the subject of documentaries, academic monographs, and even songs, reflecting its popularity and curiosity.

Uncover a discovery about Stonehenge

However, thanks to such fame and mystery, many wild theories have been created about Stonehenge over time.

One of the most interesting is the belief that aliens were responsible for its construction. And while we know this theory is incorrect, it is interesting to see how human imagination can create unrealistic narratives about ancient ruins.

But recently, a related discovery regarding Stonehenge has come to the fore. Pooja Swali, of the Creek Institute, conducted an analysis that revealed the presence of the Black Death in the toothpaste of three people buried there over four thousand years ago.

This discovery provides insight into the earliest occurrence of the Black Death on British soil. But that’s not all, as it raises questions as to what might be causing it death Of these people after the construction of memorials.

This new information paves the way for a better understanding of what caused the death of the ancient inhabitants of the region.

Photo: John Neal/Procreate

More details about the history of Stonehenge

According to historical records, the civilization that was at Stonehenge originated in Anatolia, present-day Türkiye. More than four thousand years ago, they erected these extraordinary ruins, but after completing their work, they mysteriously disappeared.

In its place, a new group of people with a nomadic lifestyle began inhabiting the area. These new inhabitants were the steppe pastoralists, who used the advanced technologies of the time, such as horses and chariots.

With the disappearance of the first people and speculation as to what would have led to their deaths, many theories have been created, including the hypothesis that aliens were involved.

However, based on the latest discovery, there is no way for science to provide a reasonable explanation for this mystery that it has not had for a long time.

Therefore, the existence of Black plague In the area and analysis of dental samples can justify the circumstances that caused the death of those responsible for construction Stonehenge.

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