October 9, 2024

A new virus disguised as a Chrome extension steals control of computers

2 min read
A new virus disguised as a Chrome extension steals control of computers

The process of downloading Chrome extensions is iterative and specific. Applications can be downloaded to modify your wallpaper, apply discount coupons to websites, and have printing functions and other facilities.

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Threats are discovered at some point by cyber security companies. However, it still reaches ordinary users. Usually, viruses are hidden by utilities, ie: a person downloads the extender without knowing what comes with it.

How does this problem occur on devices?

Security company Zimperium, through specialists in the subject, discovered a botnet named “Cloud 9”. A botnet is a Trojan horse that can access a number of devices connected to a single Internet network. With it, it is possible to attack DDOS, steal data, send spam, and gain remote attacker access to your device.

Specifically “Cloud 9” is the name of a Trojan horse that allows remote computer access and performs in Internet browsers, as with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

It allows access to the victim’s computer through extensions that are not available on official stores and that can be found directly from suspicious websites via these browsers. People download the extension as an update.

Among the functions performed are cryptocurrency mining, gathering information within the network, the possibility of performing DDoS attacks and other features to make Windows less secure.

To make matters worse, since they have remote access, they can create accounts on social networks, or post what you want, or even delete or disclose your financial matters, such as asking for money on the Internet claiming to be you. Basically, it is an oversight of your actions, everything is noted and collected, even the keys you press.

How do you avoid injury?

On any device, be it a phone or a computer, you prefer the official store. Do not download from suspicious websites, always check the URL. Always check back and make sure your security is up to date to avoid harming your financial health and your device.

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