December 8, 2024

BBB 22: Brunna Gonçalves reveals who she will vote for this week

1 min read
BBB 22: Brunna Gonçalves reveals who she will vote for this week

BBB 22

The ballerina talked to Larissa and Vinicius in the lollipop room

Photo: clone / Globo - Brunna breathes with the brothers
Photo: clone / Globo – Brunna breathes with the brothers

The game is getting more and more busy at BBB 22. This Thursday (17) Lucas Bisoli won the Above Leader Proof and will be the ultimate powerhouse on this week’s reality show. With that, participants are already beginning to speculate about the votes.

After the captain’s test, Brunna Gonçalves, Larissa and Vinícius again spoke about the game. On Quarto Lollipop, the digital influencer said she didn’t like a dynamism’s brother to win. “I’m rational: I err,” the Pernambuco woman revealed. Soon, Bruna began speculating about Lucas’ vote. “It could be me, it could be Thiago …,” Ludmila’s wife supposes.

Larisa opposes and says that she may be one of the goals of the new leader. However, the ballerina does not agree and wonders if the woman from Pernambuco really likes Lucas, then Bruna explains that the medical student can recommend her. She explained, “Lucas could be me, Thiago…it could be Jade. Because Jade was about to nominate him. I actually voted for him and he knows too.”

He asked Larissa about the council vote. Bruna said she thought it was Gustavo. Larissa replied that the boys (Douglas Silva, Paulo Andre, Pedro Scobe and Arthur Aguiar. Then the sister revealed who she will vote this week. Dancer.

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