September 14, 2024

Brother do Camarote regains its place as the reality show

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Brother do Camarote regains its place as the reality show

Far from first place a few days ago, MC Guimê regained favoritism in BBB 23 (Globo). According to part of the UOL poll, the singer is the favorite for the award in the edition after leaving Larisa, with 59.71% of the vote.

BBB 23 candidate. Ricardo rose in position and emerged in second place with 10.95% of the vote. Biomedical physician Aline, Amanda, and Domitilla are followed by 9.40%, 8.33%, and 3.63%, respectively.

Unlike the last few days, the percentages for Aline and Domitila are down a lot. Before Larisa was eliminated, the first and second places in the ranking of favorites were dominated by the sisters.

Why was Guimê designated as a favourite? For the UOL audience, the artist is one of the most moving artists in the house. When creating a rivalry with Key and Gustavo, the celebrity wasn’t afraid of being wrong or being judged. Thus, the player side of the participant may be one of the traits that contribute to his favoritism in BBB 23.

BBB 23 POLL: Who is the favorite for the award after Larissa’s exclusion?


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the sum of the 2533 wishes

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