September 14, 2024

Can R$1200 help out in 2022?

2 min read
Can R$1200 help out in 2022?

Assis Carvalho’s deputy (PT-PI) introduced Bill 2099/20, which provides for R$1,200 in aid.

The emergency aid, created in 2020, was a major program that funnels income to vulnerable Brazilians. In all, about 60 million households have won the land that was created to reduce the impact of the pandemic.

The entitlement started at R$600 per month. However, female heads of single parent families are entitled to R$1,200. That is, the mother who takes care of the children alone earns twice her share. In 2021, payments ran out and millions of people were left without financial support.

In light of this, Rep. Assis Carvalho (PT-PI) presented Draft Law 2099/2020, which sets the aid at 1,200 Brazilian riyals. But after all, will he come out this year? Find out below.

Can R$1200 help out in 2022?

The text estimates the creation of a permanent aid of R$1,200 for single mothers responsible for at least one person under the age of 18. To win, a person must meet certain requirements, such as:

  • be at least 18 years old;
  • lack of active official business;
  • family income to be half of the individual’s minimum wage or up to 3 minimum wages;
  • not receiving any Social Security or assistance benefit;
  • Not having unemployment insurance or another federal cash transfer program;
  • Have an active registration in the Individual Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

Finally, the selection of those approved will be under the responsibility of the Department of Citizenship. Meanwhile, transfers must be done through Federal Savings Bank🇧🇷

The aid bill reached constitutions defending women’s rights, social security, family, finance, taxation, the constitution, justice and citizenship. Since 2020, the script has undergone some significant changes.

Therefore, it is almost certain to say that there will be no permanent aid payment of 1,200 Rls in the coming months. This is said because no new interest can be created in an election year. Moreover, the proposal did not have sufficient support in the House of Representatives and may never happen.

Photo: rafapress /