September 15, 2024

China: Unemployed students use satirical poses in graduation photos as criticism of the country

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China: Unemployed students use satirical poses in graduation photos as criticism of the country

In the midst of a historic economic crisis, with the country yet to recover COVID-19 pandemic swing guys China They face record unemployment. Without job opportunities, the degrees earned seem to have no purpose. It was precisely this context that stimulated a viral trend among Chinese students, who now, in their graduation photos, use satire to criticize the market ahead of them.

The traditional smiles, traditional smiles and flowers or balloons were left aside to be replaced by bodies lying on the ground, suspended from bridges, benches or in dark backgrounds, as reported by the Radii portal specialized in Chinese culture. Some of the photos also show students throwing their certificate in the trash or leaving it under the steps.

This Wednesday, 14th, China announced that the unemployment rate among Chinese 16-24-year-olds rose to 20.8%, compared to the already alarming 20.4% recorded in April, according to the National Bureau of Statistics of China. According to the agency, general unemployment in urban areas remained at 5.2%.

In May, 11.6 million college graduates entered the Chinese labor market this year, and 1 in 5 young people is unemployed. chinese president, Xi JinpingThey even went so far as to tell them to stop thinking they were in a position to do manual labor or move to the country. They should learn to “eat bitterness,” Shi said, using a general expression meaning to endure hardships.

Such data reinforces that feeling among students that university, previously seen as a gateway to the job market, appears to have been a waste of time, as The Guardian reports.

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