September 10, 2024

Contract workers win 4 draws and celebrate

3 min read
Contract workers win 4 draws and celebrate

a fgts (service time guarantee fund) that it benefit It is intended for workers who formally perform their jobs. Fund values ​​are only released in specific situations. However, the feature has a total of 14 swiping methods, four of which stand out the most.

Which fgts It acts as a financial reserve that the worker can use in cases of need. The fund is like a savings account in which the employer, on behalf of the worker, deposits a total of 8% of the employee’s salary.

a fgts Moved by Caixa Economica Federal The sums credited to the accounts shall be duly corrected and paid with annual interest.

FGTS draws in 2023

According to this year’s resolutions, workers may have the right to opt out fgts Facing the following situations:

  1. unjustified dismissal by the employer;
  2. termination of the contract for a specified period;
  3. termination due to bankruptcy, death of the sole proprietor or local business owner, or invalidity of the contract;
  4. termination of the contract due to mutual fault or force majeure;
  5. the retirement
  6. Personal, urgent and dangerous need, resulting from a natural disaster caused by rains or floods that reached the worker’s residence area, when an emergency or public calamity situation is recognized, by a federal government decree;
  7. suspended separate work;
  8. The death of the worker.
  9. when the linked account holder is 70 years of age or older;
  10. when the worker or their dependents are HIV positive;
  11. when the worker or their dependents have cancer;
  12. when the worker or his dependents are terminally ill due to a serious illness;
  13. Stability of a worker who has held the linked account for three continuous years outside of the FGTS system, with removal effective 7/14/1990;
  14. Possession of a home, liquidation, debt extinguishment, or part payment of housing finance installments.

Major towing routes FGTS

According to official data, the main types of withdrawals are as follows:

Termination withdrawal

This method is used more than once fgts. Termination benefit is for workers who have been dismissed without just cause. In this way, the beneficiary can make a refund within five working days after the dismissal, with the withdrawal of the entire amount of the benefit, plus a penalty of 40% on the total amount.

Buy your own home

Among the withdrawal rules fgts to Buying a homeIt is necessary for the worker to have at least three years of work under the guarantee fund scheme. In addition, the property to be purchased must be located in the city where the buyer performs his work, or a nearby city included in the same region.

Contract workers win 4 draws and celebrate. Photo: playback.

the retirement

to reach withdrawals fgts To retire, it is necessary for the worker to retire due to time of contribution, age or disability. In this method, the beneficiary can recover the entire balance of the guarantee fund.

Withdrawal to treat a serious illness

In this method, the worker can access the withdrawal to cure his illness or the illness of his dependents. The beneficiary can redeem the amounts every 12 months regardless of the available balance in the account. Among the diseases listed by the Ministry of Health for permission to redeem the fund: cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s.

How to check FGTS balance?

In order for the beneficiary to check the balance, you just need to go directly to the Caixa Econômica Federal branch, at the service desk. But, it is also possible to check the information through the Caixa website or through the FGTS app.

  • Consult the Caixa website:

At that time it will be necessary to inform the NIS number (PIS / PASEP), which can be referred to in the business card or in an old statement. In addition, you will need to use the password registered in the Caixa system. However, if you prefer, you can use a citizen password. The page offers a password recovery option, but you must inform the NIS.

  • Counseling through the FGTS application:

To carry out the consultation it is necessary to download the application (available for Android or iOS).

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