December 8, 2024

Diane Slots About Presenter Review

4 min read
Diane Slots About Presenter Review

Diane Melo eleventh elimination from “farm 13″ (RecordTV), she expressed the criticism she has received about him Your participation in the rural reality.

In a live broadcast created for RecordTV Goiás, for display, whose behavior at home was criticized even by Tata Wernick, on her reaction to negative comments she had read about herself from former fellow inmates and other public figures:

There are other people I don’t even want to see again because they came out here and only told me terrible things about me, including a presenter there that day. Wow, we are here making every effort […] And you come across people who want to use their image to promote themselves, and speak badly. I won’t speak badly about the people here, I’m talking about the game now. But for me it is a page turned upside down. While people focus on defaming me, I focus on doing my life’s things. It is very sad to face this situation. Diane Melo

The former Biwa also stated that she intends to maintain her friendship only with Dynho Alves, MC Gui, sthephane Matos and Thiago Picuelo criticize their old alliances at home.

“There I donated myself to the wrong people,” she said, citing Brico Melquiades, Solange Gomez, and Tati Kuipra Barako.

Sthedynho . opinion

The model still excludes it There is something beyond friendship and brotherly love between Sthefane and Dynho, MC Mirella and Victor Igoh needles, Ex-wife of dancer now NS Former Influencer Fiancé:

I can’t believe all this stuff about Dynho and Sthefane. I think people really watch PlayPlus, we’re always psychologically devastated. We’re talking about sex, love, family, husband and wife. […] They treat each other like brothers. This thing, I think, with boyfriends sending a statement, and girlfriend actually feeling single before speaking, I think that’s all too much speculation. They want to sail there in the fame of the people inside. I think it’s my point. I’ve never seen anything like this against Dynho and Sthe. Diane Melo

The former Mrs. Bean has also stated that she has been in contact with Bia Michele, Bride MC GuiAnd Who was seen without an alliance after the pawn and Aline Mineiro exchanged a warmer hug at the last party:

MC Gui is letting me down on a few things now. I even spoke to Pia, the fiancée of MC Gui, she wrote to me and said, “Diane, you were the only woman who respected my boyfriend there, thank you very much.” It’s good for people to know my values ​​and who I really am. Diane Melo

The Farm: Dynho and Sthe star in moments of in-game affection

After Diane Melo is gone, who deserves to win the reality show?


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


    Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV

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