December 27, 2024

Emergency aid in 5 additional installments of 600 Brazilian riyals this year 2022

3 min read
Noticias Concursos

Emergency aid is released this year 2022. However, it is important to clarify that not all people will receive the 5 installments of up to R$600 that have been confirmed by the federal government. Single parents can withdraw the benefit, and it is paid retroactively.

In this case, the only parent who gets five basic premiums Band aid With an amount of R$600 in 2020, he is entitled to receive an amount of R$3,000. Those who began receiving benefits after this period, will receive the amount corresponding to the months they received at that time.

Consultation on new payments is now available on the Dataprev website. Lawyers must access through their CPF to Datapriv Gate.

Emergency aid: Who can get it in 2022

In short, the additional quota will only be given to male service providers from single-parent families registered in cad unique Until April 2, 2020. In addition, you must have registered for the program through digital platforms by July 2, 2020, which is the deadline to register for the Band aid.

The Ministry of Nationality analyzes the payment terms according to the file of each beneficiary. see below:

  • Cadonia audience and Brazil Aid (formerly Bolsa Familia): The folder checks if the single parent is registered as the head of the household and has received a small share of emergency assistance, if he or she does not have a spouse or partner and if there is at least one person under 18 in the family;
  • Registered audience in the application and website: Since it is impossible to determine the choice of the head of the family at the time of registration, the citizenship team analyzes whether the only head of the family who has received a small share of benefits (600 BRL) does not have a spouse or partner, if there is at least one person under 18 years of age in the family And if a double share (1,200 BRL) is not paid to another beneficiary or the head of the family is appointed by another person of the same family group.

It should be noted that the new payments were made possible due to the decision of the National Congress to overturn President Jair Bolsonaro’s veto, which prevented the public from accessing the double installments. The base was expanded in June of last year.

Before that, it should be noted that the new premiums do not refer to an extension, but to accountability. The Ministry of Citizenship estimates that 1.3 million single parents will benefit from the helps in 2022.

Band aid

Federal government Its emergency aid payments began at the beginning of 2020. At that time, the National Congress approved the text. During that year, aid reached nearly 70 million people.

This lasted until December 2020. Between January and March 2021, the government chose not to make any further payments under the programme. After a short period of intense pressure and the worsening of the epidemiological situation, they decided to resume transfers in April.

At this new stage, by the way, emergency aid returned in a smaller version of the project. According to information from the Ministry of Citizenship, this time the remittances reached nearly 39 million people who made payments with a maximum of R$378.

The government issued a credit of R$1,000

Who can get A new help of 1000 Brazilian riyals Released by Bolsonaro. The federal government has announced new financial assistance that is part of a program to simplify digital microcredit for entrepreneurs, called SIM Digital. The microlending program will benefit individuals and individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs).

The program was launched as an MP (Provisional Measure) and was signed at a ceremony at the Palazzo Planalto. The new R$1,000 aid, which will be unlocked through microcredit, should cover nearly 5 million workers. Find out who can get benefits.

The amounts to be allocated to the microlending program amount to 3 billion Brazilian reals, extracted from the Lending Compensation Fund (FGTS). The implementing agency of the program is the Caixa Fund for Microfinance Guarantee (FGM).

The digital SIM has two processes designed by individuals and MEIs. According to Pedro Guimarães, President of Caixa Econômica Federal, the program is scheduled to start on March 28.

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