September 11, 2024

Gogo Liberato’s boyfriend claims he never had sex with Rose Miriam

2 min read
Gogo Liberato’s boyfriend claims he never had sex with Rose Miriam
The presenter's best friend revealed the relationship between Rose Miriam and Gogo Liberato
Image: reproduction

The presenter’s best friend revealed the relationship between Rose Miriam and Gogo Liberato

Director Homero Salles, known to the entire artistic community as Gugu Liberato’s best friend, told the court in a statement that the presenter and Rose Miriam had never had sexual relations, nor had they even maintained a relationship as friends or husband and wife, all over the world. the years they were together.

According to him, Rose was chosen as the mother of Gogo’s children for being trustworthy, and for maintaining a friendship for years. Despite the affection, their relationship never developed into something sexual. The information was posted by columnist Erlan Bastos, of the Em Off website.

Gogo and Rose’s relationship was great until 2011, the director said in the statement. However, creating a parenting doc caused problems after a lawyer defended the doctor saying she should get more things, in addition to financial aid.

Previously, Gugu helped Rose obtain an allowance and pay for medical school and helped with other demands, such as changing cars. In addition, the trips were only made with children and the two kept separate rooms in the house where they lived.

The director, who worked with Gugu on SBT and Record, told details about a deal he offered Rose in 2019, shortly after the presenter’s death. While the caller’s will was for the inheritance to remain with the children and his nephew, the friend still warned Rose.

“I told Rose that if she sued, she would confiscate the children’s assets. She told me her sister lives on rent, and I said we were going to transfer property;

He added, “I am not angry or hurt Rose and the children, but I will never forgive them for going to court…they threw Gogo’s name in the mud with all this exposure.”

* Text by Julia Wasco
Júlia Wasko is a journalism student who is fascinated by news, entertainment, and communication. Follow Julia Wasko on Instagram: @juwasko

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