September 11, 2024

Google and Facebook give up their home offices; do you know why

3 min read
Google and Facebook give up their home offices;  do you know why

The job market has changed dramatically during the pandemic, when remote job vacancies exploded. Now, many companies seem to be doing the opposite and filling up their offices again, which points to a possibility Home office refused.

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Experts believe that the new trend is the hybrid model, which has been able to combine the advantages of face-to-face coordination with the advantages of remote coordination. However, large companies that have been at the forefront of home office adoption are returning to face-to-face business.

Google, which adopted the hybrid model more than a year ago, told employees last week that they needed to appear at the company for at least three days or they would be missed out on performance reviews. The memo also includes the company’s employees in Brazil.

Other giants like Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Twitter seem to be starting to question remote working. It is quite understandable that the return to the traditional system begins with companies in the technology sector, which have started the opposite process.

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For Isabella Courier, CEO of B.NOUS, the market is in an adjustment moment. “Telework, like distance learning or telemedicine, is something that is here to stay in reality, but it hasn’t had the predominance that we thought, at a certain point in time, it would. And that makes sense. The market is large and the institutions are diverse. These are, in fact, Another way of working, another possibility,” he assesses.

“It sure was an exaggeration in the past, where the pendulum might have been completely face-to-face. The pestilence comes and then it’s expected to go 100% to the remote. When you release the pendulum on one side, it doesn’t stop in the middle. Go to The other extreme. I think that’s what happened. We’re now getting to the balance to understand in which situations, which companies, which cultures, which remote teamwork can make sense,” agrees Ricardo Passaglia, CEO of PageGroup in Brazil.

Experts say a return to face-to-face activities is spurred on by reasons such as low productivity, difficulty in management, idle physical spaces, and lack or inadequacy of an organizational culture. To Estadão, Google stated that the hybrid model “works well,” but the company wants to see employees “collaborate in person.”

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The most viable possibility for consolidation seems to be the hybrid model of two or three days of face-to-face work, according to Deives Rezende Filho, CEO and founder of Condurú Consultoria. He claims that a few days in the company is enough to solve problems such as low productivity and loneliness.

“You pull up your colleague’s chair, you solve problems there and then in person, and it’s much faster. Processes flow better,” he embodies.

In Isabella Correr’s view, the solution for the business owner is to be creative, innovate in terms of benefits, and “talk.” Early in the pandemic, many companies did research on what employees did. Now, it will be a new moment to listen to understand if the employee, in this new format, needs some support, ”he concludes.

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