December 22, 2024

Gotta Streisser says he was subjected to “appalling harassment” by Pedro Cardoso in the series

3 min read
Casal amado da TV brasileira, Bebel e Agostinho marcaram história em A Grande Família. Fora das telas, os atores Guta Stresser e Pedro Cardoso viveram momentos de crise na relação profissional -  (crédito: Fabrício Mota / TV Globo/Divulgação)

Published 5/25/2022 4:49 PM / Updated on 5/25/2022 4:51 PM

The beloved couple on Brazilian television, Bebel and Agostinho made history at A Grande Família.  Off screen, actors Guta Stresser and Pedro Cardoso experienced moments of crisis in their professional relationship - (Credit: Fabrício Mota / TV Globo / Disclosure)

The beloved couple on Brazilian television, Bebel and Agostinho made history at A Grande Família. Off screen, actors Guta Stresser and Pedro Cardoso experienced moments of crisis in their professional relationship – (Credit: Fabrício Mota / TV Globo / Disclosure)

Eight years after the end of the big familyAnd Gotta Streiserwho gave life to one of the heroes of the TV Globo series, revealed a routine of conflicts with the romantic couple in the plot, actor Pedro Cardoso, after a notable argument in 2012. The artist revealed that she had been subjected to “horrific harassment” and that some of the letters of Pedro, who played Augustine It hurt her career.

“I don’t want to be constantly reminded of the situation,” the actress told the website. “But I was horribly harassed. He accused me of working under the influence of alcohol and it hurt me a lot in my career.” F5.

On Tuesday (24/5), the artist commented on the issue in the program ThrillingFrom Red TV! , where she stated that the actor had excluded her. “Disqualification is the word. Nobody likes to be qualified. Imagine coming to you and saying ‘No, you are nothing, you are a ladder, you only exist because I exist’, you know? Too loud and with a good tone? ‘, he explains in detail.

Gotta said that too Pedro She accused her of “lying” like working under the influence of alcohol, something she claims she never did. “We could have had a beer outside, at the barbecue, with a little bit of talk. But you wouldn’t pass your badge on the company and work drunk,” she said.

Guetta also revealed that during the series he got half of what Pedro got, even though the two enjoyed the same level of insight into the plot. Therefore, Guta does not only rule out future cooperation between the two if there is financial compensation. He pointed out that “the salary should be doubled to compensate for the time I received in exchange for the half that he received.” He quipped: “You have to pay for the unhealthy work, right?”.

On a TV show, Gotta said he heard from Pedro that he is "peace" And he was only present because he was his partner in the series
On a TV show, Guetta said he heard from Pedro that he was a “ladder” and that he only exists because he was his co-star.
(Photo: Rede TV! / Instagram / Reproduction)

The fight was the end point of Jota and Pedro’s relationship

Gotta says the fight between the two that, conclusively, rocked the actors’ relationship was “nonsense” while recording an outside scene. Pebble’s character had to stumble into the outdoor scene, on a rainy and windy day – while the actress was wearing a spaghetti-strap blouse.

“We did the scene a few times. It was cold, it was snowing, I was wearing a tie and the director said she wanted to do another one and asked that I don’t. He said something, like “Don’t talk to her like that.” And I told him not to interfere because I was talking to her,” he recalls.

“And there he was, very angry because I told him not to interfere. For many years we’d been fighting for great harmony, to have that on stage, because we were such a loving couple,” he says.

Guetta then sang an excerpt from the series’ theme song, of the same name sung by Dudu Nobre, and said there was no apology in the case of the two. He criticizes, “This family is very united and they are also very emotional. They fight for whatever reason, but end up asking for forgiveness. Forgiveness, well, I’m waiting until today.”

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