October 9, 2024

Guabiruba dye house doomed to dump chemicals in Holstein stream

1 min read
Guabiruba dye house doomed to dump chemicals in Holstein stream

Tinturaria e Estamparia Holstein, of Guabiruba, and managing partner of the company was convicted of environmental pollution for dumping chemicals into the Holstein stream. In accordance with the procedure, which was promoted by the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina (MP-SC), it was found that the company released sewage into the stream outside the standards specified in the environmental legislation.

The samples collected would have displayed concentrations of manganese, 0.223 mg/L, and total chloride, 265.8 mg/L, in amounts higher than those established by the National Council for the Environment (Konama) decision, 0.1 mg/L. and 250 mg/L.

According to the testimony of witnesses, Judge Edemar Leopoldo Schlosser understood that there was no doubt about the materiality and authorship, which would have established that the accused had caused pollution that could harm people’s health.


The company was fined 40 minimum wages, and the managing partner of the sealing factory was sentenced to one year in prison, in an open system. The reprimand was replaced by a restricted right consisting of a cash benefit of ten minimum wages. The decision is still subject to appeal.

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