December 8, 2024

Guarani-SP X Cruzeiro – Supersports

5 min read
Guarani-SP X Cruzeiro - Supersports
  • 31
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    Ball possession: Guarani 60% x40% Cruzeiro.

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    Series B, in progress: Brasil-RS 0x1 Brusque.

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    Enter Kek and leave Fan on Cruzeiro.

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    A partial tie is good for both clubs.

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    Giovanni takes a free kick and delivers a gift to goalkeeper Rafael Martins from Bugri.

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    South American Championship, in progress: Libertad 1v1 Red Bull Bragantino (0v2).

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    Bedouin kills a counter-attack by mistake and gets the yellow card.

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    And Glio Caesar for Andrego.

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    Guarani changes Todinho to Loco.

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    The Minas Gerais team did not attack with Bruno Goss.

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    The goal was not allowed until the match was stopped for three minutes.

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    Void cruising target! Bruno Joss scored, but the referee slipped off Ramulo in an attempt!

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    Bruno Jos starts from the right and enters the area and ends with Carlo disarmed without fail.

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    The same Moreno receives in the area, arranges and kicks the ball on Rodrigo Andrade’s mark.

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    Marcello Moreno goes up to the second floor and takes a corner from Glio Cesar.

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    Guarani wants to go home and go to the attack zone.

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    South American Championship, in progress: Libertad 0x1 Red Bull Bragantino (Route 0x2).

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    At Cruzeiro, Claudinho leaves and Bruno Goss enters.

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    The fan comes back to help and accidentally drops Matthews Lodek.

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    On the day, goalkeeper Fbio kicks a corner kick by Rgis.

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    The help was from Bruno Sviu.

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    The goal was confirmed by arbitration.

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    GUARANI GOOOOOLLLLLL!!! Mateusz Lodk controls a cross in the area, takes a mark, hits from the left and draws the score!

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    Prevent Guaraní attack.

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    Series B, in progress: Brasil-RS 0x1 Brusque.

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    Cruzeiro tries to surprise, but the ball slips away from Claudinho.

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    Cruzeiro returns unchanged in the second half in Campinas.

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    Guarani replaces Thales with Carlo.

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    The ball is in play for the last step!

  • 47
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    End of the first half in Campinas.

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    Top plate with 2 minutes of topping.

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    Vitor Lecke takes advantage of the defense’s indecision, but misses when he passes to teammate Claudinho.

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    Bidu takes a free kick from the left flank and does not catch the ball as he wants.

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    Finishes: Guarani 4×5 Cruzeiro.

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    We’ve reached the final stage of stage one, and now Cruzeiro continues.

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    Marcelo Moreno takes the round, wipes the mark and kicks the ball into the goalkeeper’s hand.

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    Series B, in progress: Brasil-RS 0x0 Brusque.

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    Lifting midfielder Rgis and Flvio takes the ball from the head area.

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    Rgis makes a mistake and puts poison in the area, but none of the Bugre seem to complete a target.

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    Fans complain about a mistake in the attack and the referee orders it to be followed.

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    Very busy for the first time in Guarani’s house.

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    Almost second of the cruise! Felipe Augusto controls the entrance to the area and kicks with his left hand and the ball enters the net, but from outside!

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    UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH!!! Rodrigo Andrade hit a quick counterattack, fired the ball and got out!

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    Bruno Svio advances to the right, tries to dribble Felipe Augusto and misses the move.

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    South American Championship, in progress: Libertad 0x1 Red Bull Bragantino (Route 0x2).

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    Rmulo takes a corner kick and the Guarani goalkeeper punches.

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    FBIO!!! Ludke receives from the right and tries to take the goalkeeper and fails!

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    Series B, in progress: Brasil-RS 0x0 Brusque.

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    Now Guarani’s bank assistant who wears the yellow jersey.

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    Todinho complains a lot and another yellow card is shown.

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    The partial result leaves Cruzeiro far behind the Z4 in the competition.

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    Guarani player being reprimanded by the referee!

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    Defender Ronaldo Alves complained a lot and another yellow card was issued.

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    Bruno Svio tries to the right and the defense takes the danger away with its beak.

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    Yellow also for defender Ramon.

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    Ball possession: Guarani 50% x50% Cruzeiro.

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    Guarani lunges into the attack zone and aims to equalize.

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    Bedouin got up, Mateus Lodk dribble his head and the ball went straight out!

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    This was Cruzeiro’s third goal in the second division.

  • 15th
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    Series B, in progress: Brasil-RS 0x0 Brusque.

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    Nick!!! Glio Caesar responds with a long shot and the ball remains in the post!

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    GOOOOOLLLLL Cruising!!! Defender Ramon advances immediately after the ball on the right and opens the count in Campinas!

  • 13
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    GOOOOOLLLLL Cruising!!!

  • 12
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    Cruzeiro puts the ball in goalkeeper Rafael Martins’ area and the defender takes it anyway.

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    In Minas’ response, Marcelo Moreno hit a long shot and the ball exploded on Bruno Silva’s mark.

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    Rgis takes a corner from the right in the confusion of the region; Climb up cannons and cut with Rmulo.

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    The Sao Paulo team came from a loss to Curitiba and Cruzeiro lost at home to CSA.

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    The referee catches the ball and Vitor Leke foul.

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    Mineiro’s team is trying to move away from the relegation zone in the competition.

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    Cruzeiro spins the ball and studies the owners of the house.

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    Series B, in progress: Brasil-RS 0x0 Brusque.

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    Cruzeiro does not take advantage of the free kick from the left field.

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    For the most difficult foul, a yellow card for defender Thales (Guarani).

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    The referee catches Thales’ most difficult foul on the fans.

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    Brooke is trying to launch for Moreno and the ninth shirt does not control the ball.

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    Valendo! The ball rolls to Guarani x Cruzeiro for Sri B do Brasileiro. Leave the Minas Gerais team.

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    A minute of silence for the victims of the Corona virus in Brazil.

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    official wear! Guarani wears a traditional green shirt and today Cruzeiro plays white.

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    Commenting, Adriano and Sbis defrauded Cruzeiro.

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    The teams on the field and the match will start at Brinco!

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    At home, Guarani tries to join G4 for the competition.

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    table! Guarani starts the match at six and appears for Minas Gerais at the age of 15.

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    All set up and in about 30 minutes the ball will be rolling through Series B.

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    Right now we have about 28 degrees in the interior of São Paulo.

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    cruise: Fbio, Rmulo, Ramon, Eduardo Brock, and Felipe Augusto; Felvio, Lucas Ventura, Giovanni and Claudinho; Vitor Van and Marcelo Moreno.

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    Boger comes with Rafael Martins, Mateus Lodek, Thales, Ronaldo Alves and Bedo; Bruno Silva, Rodrigo Andrade, Bruno Svio Wurgis; Glio Caesar and Junior Todinho.

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    Teams officially scheduled in Campinas!

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    The referee for the match will be Rodolfo Tosque Márquez (PR).

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    Hello fans! Today we will be following everything from Guarani x Cruzeiro to round 27 of Serie B. The ball is rolling at 19:00 in the Brinco de Ouro stadium.

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