September 11, 2024

Health Plans: The report provides a “single medical record,” with tests shared between the operator and the SUS

2 min read
Health Plans: The report provides a “single medical record,” with tests shared between the operator and the SUS

The decision of the bill health insuranceCongressman Duarte Jr (PSB-MA), will be included in the implementation script of the call “one record” To prevent operators from re-ordering tests already taken by patients in the public network. The parliamentarian defends this measure as a cost-cutting tool.

The text is being finalized with proposed amendments to amend the Health Plans Act and is due to be submitted after the parliamentary recess which begins on 18 July.

Bill 7419, which amends the plan’s law, has been pending in Congress since 2006. Added to it are 270 other proposals to change the legal framework for complementary health. The rapporteur has already said he intends to make significant changes, including: eliminating the unilateral contract termination clause, setting limits for readjusting group plans and allowing inspections of service providers, such as hospitals and clinics.

The so-called “individual medical record” that will be covered by the law aims to avoid duplication of tests and procedures in private and public networks. filming: Alex Silva / Estada

“We will propose, with this report, to update the SUS law, implementing a single medical record among the services provided in the SUS, by health plans, in companies, in private hospitals. The unified medical record will allow a significant reduction in costs, because from the moment it can Citizens will be able to access tests and procedures in the public sector, they will also benefit from these tests and procedures in the private sector and vice versa,” he said. Duarte Jr. L Estadao.

The individual medical record is seen as a tool to speed up patient care because it will centralize the information history of that individual. But discussions on this topic not only conflict with the operation of the system, but also with the General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD), which includes information about one’s health, possible actions, among other things.

In the public sector, the Ministry of Health launched in 2019 a digital health strategy to computerize patient data using SUS. The Support Program for Computerization and Rehabilitation of Primary Health Care Data – Informatiza APS provides the implementation of an electronic medical record system for use by family health teams to include information on examinations, prescriptions and referrals to other units.

Transparency to re-adjust group plans

In an interview with EstadaoPaolo Rebelo, head of the National Agency for Complementary Health (ANS), said the agency intends to tighten legislation on unilateral termination of contracts and exclusion of providers. Rebello also advocated implementing a formula to make the re-adjustment of group plans more transparent.

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