September 15, 2024

How much money does one need to be rich? Opinion polls reveal the results!

2 min read
How much money does one need to be rich?  Opinion polls reveal the results!

Reading time: 1 minute

Wealth is a subjective concept that varies according to the economic and social context of each country. According to a recent report by L’Observatoire des Inégalités, a French organization dedicated to the study of inequality, the amount must be taken into account rich In France 3673 euros per month. This analysis was made keeping in mind the reality of singles in the European country.

According to the report, about 4.5 million French people have an income equal to or greater than this value, representing nearly 6% of the population. These individuals belong to the richest group, with financial ability above average.

By bringing this information to the Brazilian reality, we can transfer the value to Real Madrid. Currently, €3,673 is roughly equivalent to R$19,600 per month. This amount represents a large income in Brazil and indicates a high standard of living.

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Brazilian reality

A recent study by Bloomberg in 2020 revealed that to be rich in Brazil, it is necessary to have an annual income of $176,000 USD. This represented about R$758,000 at the time, or R$63,000 per month. This figure is slightly higher than that used by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), which considers people with a monthly income of more than 20 minimum wages to belong to category A, i.e. more than R$24,000 per month.

These data indicate that the definition of wealth in Brazil is relative and varies with different factors. The average income of the Brazilian people is about R$ 2,500 per month, which indicates a large disparity between the majority of citizens and those who are considered wealthy.

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