September 17, 2024

How was the test for the second stage of Unesp

7 min read
UOL - O melhor conteúdo

Teachers consider the exam by Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista) held on Sunday (19) classic and of a high standard. According to Daniel Berry, director of Curso Anglo, the testing was more complex than Phase One. Many questions were for interpretation, however, it was necessary for the candidate to have enough content to answer some of the questions.

“It was an examination that followed the classic pattern, without surprises or controversies. With classic statements and subtle alternatives,” he said. In addition, highlight the good variety of fonts with text, graphics, and photographs. Perry highlights the issues raised regarding the 2013 protests in Brazil and the US blockade of Cuba.

According to Daniel Cecilio, Educational Director of the Preliminary Exam Course at the Campinas Student Workshop (SP), the test was quite comprehensive in all areas. In addition, there have been no contentious issues or even regarding the epidemic. “The grammar test has gone from intermediate to easy, and the physics and mathematics test has drawn attention from intermediate to high,” he said.

“Question 57 is a question that should be dropped. Because the candidate did not have all the information needed to solve the question. So, we had a problem with the math test,” he said.

Professor Giuseppe Nobileone, Curso e Colégio’s mathematics coordinator, assessed the test as difficult. Question 56 and 60 were easy, but the other three questions were difficult. Key Question 57. The statement left much to be desired. Although the student was able to find the answer, it was not at all clear how this mechanism worked. Submit it. This question could have made a slightly better statement.”

Mario Eduardo Fernandez, professor of mathematics in the preliminary exam course at the Student Workshop in Campinas (SP), says the second stage exam was at a high level, and more difficult than in previous years.

unesp - disclosure - disclosure

Unesp held the second stage of the entrance examination on Sunday

Image: disclosure

There are no contentious issues

“We didn’t have any issues or contentious issues related to the epidemic, but all the issues were put into context. The issues dealt with were quite comprehensive, with issues that had more than one mathematical concept to solve. In general, the test was more demanding than being Be Unesp, diversifying concepts and contexts in their cases.”

Vera Lúcia da Costa Antunes, Pedagogical Coordinator for the Subject Course and Faculty, believes that the test respected the moment we live in with a very important test that managed to appreciate the student who studied and who prepared. “It’s a creative, smart, and cool test. It makes the student have topics that are traditional, but brought up in a smart way, so that the student can think,” he says.

For her, this was a test that involved a very important cultural and social bias. “This criticizes political appearances, criticizing Purba Jatu, and it is a test that makes the student interpret and come up with an answer based on logic and knowledge,” he says.

In Philosophy, Professor José Mauricio Matzuco, of the Objective and Total Course, says the issues were calm and free from difficulties. The main theme was breaking models. “It was an ongoing topic on the question of mind and forms. It was a very honest and well scripted test,” he assessed.

According to Silvio Ricardo Wiltenberg Sawaya, Professor of Humanities in the Preliminary Examination Course at the Campinas Student Workshop (SP), this year’s humanities exam follows the previous year’s average standard, with philosophy predominating in relation to sociology.

It presents very detailed questions, without contentious issues and treating classic topics, such as: Kantian philosophy, the relationship between myth and philosophy, the discussion between the scientific revolution and the philosophy of science, as well as issues with current topics: ecology and manifestations of 2013, the latter being a question that transcends own standards Addressing a recent political event. They all use meticulously and well thought out the text of the statement, but prior knowledge helped in the college entrance examination answer them,” he says.

According to Serginio Henrique, of Curso e Colégio Objective, the Portuguese test drew attention due to the great variety of text types requested in the questions. As content, it highlights the appearance of speech characters, types of speech and vocations.

In Biology, Professor Guilherme Francisco, of Curso e Colégio Homens, highlights a variety of topics, such as botany, microbiology, genetics and evolution. He rated “A test with a high level of difficulty. The student should be very careful with pronunciation and joking. A test of a slightly higher level, to choose a good student.”

According to Fábio Vilar de Menezes, Preliminary Exam Course Professor at Campinas Student Workshop (SP), the exam was contextualized to the topics in the area and was a little trickier than last year. “I didn’t specify anything

controversial issue. All distributed topics with good coverage. The lack of a vaccine topic is highlighted. I considered it an excellent test, with very detailed questions that will reward the best students,” he said.

According to Gabriella Totti, a chemistry teacher at Curso and Colégio Objetivo, the test had only five questions, but it covered several topics. “Good test, mid-level. Only one of them with arithmetic, numbers and proportional calculations that you can do in your head, is very simple,” he said.

Professor Tathiana Guizellini, from the Preliminary Exam course at the Campinas Student Workshop (SP), testing was at a similar level to last year, with issues of a bit of context, which again raised some of the issues that emerged in 2021, such as chemical bonds and radioactivity.

“Only one of the questions required arithmetic, which was the most difficult part of the test. The topics covered and the level of questions were within the expected range for this test,” he said.

In Geography, Professor Eduardo Brito, of the Objective and Faculty Course, assesses that the test was a medium-level test and was characterized by questions that addressed the level of importance of students, such as the relationship between agricultural commodity production and malnutrition in Brazil. According to him, this shows that Unesp wants a filter that is up to date with today’s world.

Well contextual questions

Sebastian Alvarado Fuentes, professor of geography on the pre-test course at the Campinas Student Workshop (SP), says the Unesp 2022 second phase geography test had questions of medium difficulty, similar to last year’s test.

“The questions are well contextualized and with so much help from tables, graphs and maps contributed that the candidate had support from both verbal and nonverbal texts at the time of solving. The test, although with only 6 geography questions, was able to cover several geography topics, Like economic, physical, political and environmental geography, it should be noted that issues related to geography of health did not appear in issues of geography,” he said.

According to Professor Thomas Haupt, of the objective and college course, the physics test was more difficult than the first stage. According to him, more and more logical thinking is needed. They dealt with everyday issues, but demanded more of the knowledge obtained in high school from the students.

According to Arnaldo Bon Nobre, Professor of the Preliminary Test Course at the Campinas Student Workshop (SP), the difficulty level of the test was medium to high, with two of the five questions being of medium level and the remaining three questions of high level. level.

“Compared to the previous year, we can say that the level of demand was a little higher, but nothing out of the common reality. There was no controversial issue or about vaccination, epidemic or health. The evidence was placed in the context of what is expected of an issue,” he said. Kinetics, thermodynamics, optics, waves, and electromagnetism.

The history test, according to Professor Ricardo Di Carlo, of the objective and holistic course, was excellent and varied in terms of topics, exploring different languages ​​and creating a discussion about memory, appearances, and the history of the excluded. “It discusses and reinterprets the logic of political participation,” he said. “It makes students think about current issues.”

“There is a very interesting discussion to set out regarding specifically the criticisms of memory built in São Paulo, which glorify the pioneers. How do we have a reinterpretation of a memory that values ​​minorities that have been oppressed. A wonderful guide for students caught up in the current political, social and cultural events.”

Rodrigo Miranda, Professor of History of the Preliminary Exam Course at the Campinas Workshop for Students (SP), believes that the test has a medium difficulty level, even questions that do not provide any support for an answer, bring many obvious alternatives.

“Compared to the previous year, the test was a bit more urgent, especially to explore non-recurring topics, such as the Carnation Revolution in Portugal and prehistoric times. On the other hand, there was a direct dialogue with some issues with context The student has lived in recent years, with Questions about authoritarianism, freedom of the press and the meaning of historical monuments. The balance between the different fronts of history was highlighted, with a slight predominance of general history,” he says.

In English, Professor Claudio Marquez, of Colégio e Curso Objective, assessed that the test provided challenging vocabulary and required advanced level knowledge. “But the test did well. I would like to highlight Unesp, which always gives a well-detailed entrance exam,” he said.

Alexandre Torres, teacher of English for the pre-test course at the Campinas Student Workshop (SP), assesses that the test contains practically all the questions of the intermediate level. He said, “As always, the questions in English are always well adapted to the questions, and it is clear that they address all texts that are presented in different text types.”

“We can find text comprehension questions, as well as specific vocabulary and reference questions. There was no doubt about a pandemic or vaccination. This test ended up following the same method as assessments in past years, this time bringing important topics related to technical language that can be a good challenge for the exam admissions “.

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