December 26, 2024

Increasing Govt cases in US affect companies and public sector operations | National newspaper

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Increasing Govt cases in US affect companies and public sector operations |  National newspaper

Increase in cases Govt To us To us Affected the operations of companies and public organizations.

Officially, New York is not in a locked position. But the truth is, in many suburbs of the city, many shops and restaurants are closed. In the United States, three people test positive every second. In New York, more than 36,000 people a day have been infected with goiter in the past two weeks – and the city is once again the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States.

Currently, a third of New York’s paramedics are infected with the corona virus, while 21% of police officers and 18% of firefighters are remote. In the tunnel, two lines have been closed due to staff illness.

The network of health clinics in the city, known for conducting rapid tests and PCR, has closed dozens of units – doctors and nurses are in isolation after a positive test.

In Brooklyn, the most populous part of New York, 60% of businesses have sick employees at home; 20% had to close on holidays due to labor shortage. Some are not open yet.

Consultant Stephen Zakor says most restaurants in the city account for up to 45% of third-quarter revenue: “Covid’s new wave has forced people to stay home. Infectious, ”he says.

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