December 28, 2024

Learn more about the steps to receive your money from the Central Bank

2 min read
Learn more about the steps to receive your money from the Central Bank

Residents learned about the value receivable system in February. He promised that individuals and legal entities can implement a rescue From the forgotten funds in some financial institutions which led to the talk. After all, is this possible?

see also: Amounts due: The Central Bank is talking about the date of the second phase of the consultations

There were a lot of people at the time who started wondering if they were, in fact, entitled to withdraw some money. What was even more shocking was knowing that there were a lot of extremely high-value people “in prison”, but they could receive them soon.

The to delegate The values ​​began on February 14 of that year. Estimates, since then, amount to more than 8 billion riyals turned for persons entitled to such access; However, due to the large number of people who have dues and also the large amount of money to be paid, some steps need to be established so that everything happens in the most organized way possible.

The first phase implemented by the government ended in April. Individuals and companies have had the opportunity to redeem very high values ​​at this point. These same values ​​can come from up to four different sources.

But that doesn’t mean it’s over! The next stage is Around to start. According to the government, this new phase of the process was supposed to start this month, but for undisclosed reasons, it had to be postponed. At the moment, there is still a lot of information about the confirmation of the new date of the operation.

Although, we already have several other news on the subject so we can get a feel for how this all works. Like, for example, the fact that it will be possible to withdraw money from more than seven Sources different this time. We list them all here for you:

  • Recording accounts maintained by stock brokerage firms and stock distribution firms, as well as securities for recording closed customer operations with available balance;
  • entities subject to extrajudicial liquidation;
  • Prepaid and postpaid accounts that have been closed with an available balance;
  • Cooperative Credit Guarantee Fund (FGCoop);
  • Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC);
  • installments or obligations related to credit operations that are incorrectly collected, not provided for by the commitment terms signed by the bank with the Central Bank (BC);
  • Incorrectly collected fees, not stipulated in the commitment terms signed by the bank with BC.

Unfortunately, people will have to wait, even if eagerlyFor a new date for this.

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