September 8, 2024

Matthias and Cavan perform a show that has sold out in the United States

1 min read
Matthias and Cavan perform a show that has sold out in the United States

The tour of the two Matthias and Cavan It goes full speed across the United States. After the Mongoose Tropical Cafe performances in Orlando (10/28) and San Francisco (10/29), the Serdanejos are getting ready to take the stage this Saturday (10/30) as tickets are sold out. At Europa Palace in Newark. On Sunday (31/10), artists will close #TourMEKUSA at 135 Lounge in Framingon.

Currently, Matthias and Cavan They have 7.8 million monthly listeners on Spotify and are on the Apps Global TOP 200 list for the album Expectation x Reality. In addition, the two have won other high numbers: on Instagram, Certanojos’ profile has more than six million followers, and on YouTube more than ten million followers, which singers already have more than six billion views on their clips. .

During epidemics, the brothers did not stop working. They released the singles and recently the EP Expectativa x Realidade, which has returned to overseas positions due to the success of the new project and acclaimed successes such as Litrao, Que Lucky ours, Nosso Santo Bateu.

Watch the exclusive video of the show that sold out this Friday (29/10) August Hall:

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