December 6, 2024

Mirella asks them to let Dynho stay on the reality show

2 min read
Mirella asks them to let Dynho stay on the reality show

earlier this week, Mirella revealed that she has started the process of separating Dynho Alves, which is limited tofarm 13″ (RecordTV) Today, however, the singer asked to be allowed to stay on the show.

This morning, the artist released a series of tweets asking for Dynho’s help to keep going reality villager. The singer made an appeal to Sterellas, her fans, and to Stephanie Bayes, until they vote for the pawn’s survival, if he goes to the next farm.

Mirella has made it clear that she still has a lot to practice with and that if Dynho is excluded from the program, it will slow her down and stop her.

The former Fazenda also said that she woke up under attack and wanted to go on one reality show to see how much damage it could do. Finally, the singer analyzed: “You hang yourself from a rope.”

Mirella was not in love Rounding out the ex-husband of Sthe Matos, He pointed out that the pawn’s behavior is disrespectful.

I don’t know he’s single at the tenth RV party Dynho recalled the love story with funkeira And they tore the praises to his ex-wife.

After the departure of Valentina Francavilla, who deserves to win the reality show?


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


    Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV


Antonio Shahestian / Record TV

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