September 17, 2024

Mpox: Vaccination against disease starts on Monday (13); Know Who Can Eat Ban | health

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Mpox: Vaccination against disease starts on Monday (13);  Know Who Can Eat Ban |  health

A health worker prepares a dose of monkeypox (monkeypox) vaccine. — Photo: AP Photo/Jenah Moon, File

Starting Monday (13) vaccination against Mpox, the disease formerly known as “monkeypox” It must be available in all vaccination services in Brazil.

According to the Ministry of Health, in this first phase of the campaign Immunization will focus on groups exposed to severe forms of the disease, such as people living with HIV/AIDS and laboratory professionals who work in places where the virus is exposed.

with approx 47 thousand doses Available in the National Program for Immunization (PNI) for use in the population, The vaccination scheme indicates two doses per person.

Still according to the volume, at this first moment, these target populations will follow the following recommendations:

in the case of vaccination before exposure For the virus, you will receive the doses:

  • People living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) with an immunological status defined by a CD4 T-lymphocyte count of less than 200 cells in the past 6 months [condição que deixa o sistema imune menos capaz de combater determinadas infecções]. According to the Ministry of Health, This audience currently represents about 16,000 people across the country;
  • And Laboratory professionals who work directly with Orthopoxvirus [a família do vírus da monkeypox] In laboratories with a biosafety level 3 (NB-3), ages 18 to 49.

in the case of vaccination after exposure For the virus, you will receive the doses:

  • Persons who have been in direct contact with the body fluids and secretions of suspected persons, Possible or confirmed smallpox exposure to which exposure is classified as high or medium risk, according to WHO recommendations.

⚠️ In either case, no one who has already been diagnosed with smallpox or who has a suspected lesion at the time of vaccination should receive the dose.

Also according to the Ministry of Health, Doses will be dispatched according to the progress of vaccination and in accordance with the requests of the states and the Federal District.

Additionally, for pre-exposure vaccination, a 30-day break with any previously administered vaccine is recommended. In the post-exposure situation, whose main objective is to prevent transmission, the recommendation is that application be performed independently of previous administration of any immunobiological.

Watching monkeypox virus using microscopy. Image: NIAID via AP, File

6 months after approval for vaccination

In August last year, the national health surveillance agency (Anvisa) approved the release of a vaccine called Jynneos/Imvanex. The measure was in place for six months, but when the February deadline expired, at the ministry’s request, the agency extended the registration waiver so that Vol could import and use the immunization device in Brazil, which is made by the company. Bavarian North A/S..

The vaccine is for adults 18 years of age and older and has a shelf life of 60 months., when stored between -60°C and -40°C. The extension of the temporary and exceptional exemption is valid for another six months and applies only to the Ministry of Health.

In Brazil, according to the latest available data, 50803 suspected cases of Mpox disease. Of these, 10,301 cases (20.3%) were confirmed, 339 (0.7%) were classified as probable, 3,665 (7.2%) as suspected and 36,498 (71.8%) were ignored.

In the second half of 2022, 49,000 doses of the vaccine were obtained through the Pan American Health Organization (Opas) and imported by the federal government, which until then had not been used. Of this number, 47,000 doses have arrived and are available to the Ministry.

However, since September last year, the number of cases in the country has dropped dramatically. The epidemiological curve of confirmed and probable cases recorded its highest rate from July 17 to August 20.

changing the name

Mpox was given the name monkeypox because it was first identified in colonies of monkeys in 1958. It was not discovered in humans until 1970. However, last year’s worldwide outbreak of the disease had nothing to do with primates. All identified transmissions are attributable to human-to-human transmission.

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