NASA reveals a supermassive black hole responsible for star formation (photo, video)
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NASA reveals a supermassive black hole responsible for star formation (photo, video)
NASA reveals a supermassive black hole responsible for star formation (photo, video)
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a supermassive black hole responsible for star formation in a dwarf galaxy. 2022.01.20, Sputnik Brazil
2022-01-20 T09: 09-0300
society and every day
dwarf star
Black hole
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The study showed that black holes are not always aggressive and destructive, because they may also be able to form stars, and Hubble has discovered a black hole in the galaxy known as Henize 2-10, which is located 30 million light-years away. Raines, who published the first evidence of a black hole in the galaxy in 2011, stated that she “knew from the beginning that something unusual and special was going on in Henness 2-10, and now, Hubble has provided a very clear picture of the relationship between the black hole and the star-forming region.” neighboring, which is located 230 light-years from the black hole.” The connection is a gas flow that stretches through space like an umbilical cord into a bright stellar nursery. It harbored a dense cocoon of gas as the low-velocity flow approached. Hubble showed that the stream was hitting the thick gas like a garden hose hitting a pile of scattered dirt. Newborn star clusters leave a trail along the flow’s propagation path. Studying the new black hole could help provide more details about the formation of these supermassive black holes, which have remained small for a cosmic proportion of the time, and an idea of what other, now larger black holes were Like when she was little.
Space, galaxy, NASA, dwarf star, black hole
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a supermassive black hole responsible for star formation in a dwarf galaxy.
The connection is a gas outlet that extends through space like an umbilical cord into a bright stellar nursery.
Region It harbors a dense cocoon of gas When approaching low velocity flow.
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