December 26, 2024

North Korea has accused the United States of double-dealing with an international missile test

1 min read
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North Korea has accused the United States of using its “double talk” this Thursday (Wednesday 20 Wednesday night in Brazil) after a meeting of the UN Security Council on the issue.

Pyongyang on Tuesday launched a new type of ballistic missile from a submarine (SLBM), the latest in a series of tests conducted in recent weeks, prompting a meeting of diplomatic missions in Washington and London New York.

But a North Korean foreign ministry spokesman said the test was not aimed at the United States, but “purely for the country’s security.”

A spokesman for the official KCNA agency said in a statement that “the United States does not need to worry or worry about the test shootings.”

He added that Washington’s criticism of Pyongyang was “a clear expression of the double talk of creating and testing the same armaments that the United States has.”

“It’s our suspicion,” he said of Washington’s honesty.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently blamed the United States for the tension surrounding his weapons program.

US President Joe Biden has pledged to continue a diplomatic relationship with Pyongyang.

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